Autor: Jeremiah Dyke

Jeremiah Dyke is a math professor at Lord Fairfax Community College where he teaches Statistics & Developmental Mathematics. He is author of Surviving The Trenches of Education. Dyke promotes a hands-on approach to teaching mathematics at his blog also is homeschooling his two sons, and enjoys crossbow hunting, fishing, pipe tobacco, hot tea, technology, and brewing his own ale. He lives in Virginia with his family and two pugs.

1 Ebooks de Jeremiah Dyke

Publicações Pão Diário: Dia a dia com os puritanos ingleses
Coisas maravilhosas!’ Foi o que disse, extasiado, o egiptólogo Howard Carter, quando seus colegas lhe perguntaram o que a luz da chama que ele apontava ao redor da recém-descoberta tumba do rei Tutan …