Bobcat is a historically based action-frontier fiction, circa 1804. The main character is a Quapaw Native American whose life has been disrupted forever. He journeys west, riding beside the Canadian River across the Great Plains to stand atop the tallest of the white capped mountains, and consider his life. Along the way he meets the free-roaming hunting and gathering tribes whose ways are changing, as horses and French/American factory trade goods reach them.
The pueblo tribes farther west trade only with Spain.
Their homelands invaded some people fight, some hide and some change a little.
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Jim Campbell likes to retell fireside stories he’s heard to his friends, like some people remember music to hum. He was raised a military dependent moving around the USA meeting new kids, hearing family histories and experiencing local cultures. Often new friends in one region would ask about the people of another, and he would tell the stories. He liked that different people were different people.
He’s an Air Force veteran, been a university student, construction worker, resort restaurant manager, and mountain shop manager who backpacks, camps, skis and rock climbs for fun.
He lives in New Mexico.