In this major new work, Thompson develops an original account of
ideology and relates it to the analysis of culture and mass
communication in modern Societies.
Thompson offers a concise and critical appraisal of major
contributions to the theory of ideology, from Marx and Mannheim, to
Horkheimer, Adorno and Habermas. He argues that these thinkers –
and social and political theorists more generally – have failed to
deal adequately with the nature of mass communication and it...
1. The Concept of Ideology.
2. Ideology in Modern Societies.
3. The Concept of Culture.
4. Cultural Transmission and Mass Communication.
5. Towa...
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His previous books include Critical Hermeneutics: A Study in the Thought of Paul Ricoeur and Jurgen Habermas (1981) and Studies in the Theory of Ideology (Polity, 1984).