We are seeing across our nation and around the world an increasing struggle for true believers to experience and express the liberty of their faith in God. Governments are rapidly removing symbols of Christianity, standards of Righteousness and Spiritual Freedoms. The days are truly evil.
Therefore, Pastor Graham has taken an old story about a deck of cards used as a Biblical Study Guide to encourage the learning of Biblical truths. He illustrates the cards of either suit within the deck with an inspirational account of Scripture worthy of learning and living.
As the moral code of life diminishes before us and the rise of materialism and secular humanism takes control, Pastor Graham feels it is essential that individuals acquire the knowledge of Gods Word and apply it in the secret confidences of their hearts and in the steps they take each day.
Just as the Sergeant in the story requested, May I borrow that deck of cards; let us read this book and request of God the knowledge of living a changed and committed life regardless where we may be or what we may be facing.
Despre autor
John Graham is an ordained Assemblies of God minister who resides in Hot Springs, Arkansas. He has pastored in Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas; and has evangelized across the nation. He has held positions of leadership in both the Mississippi and Arkansas Districts of the Assemblies of God.
Reverend Graham and his lovely wife, Elaine, have been married fory-one years. They have three children and four grandchildren.
He has written and presented several teaching sessions, sermons and short devotions on radio and television. He has written several articles for magazines and newspapers. He has authored three other books: “The Foundation and Focus for Living;” “Are You Running With me Jesus? “and “Are You A Disciple Of Christ?”