Learn Python–the fun and easy way–and get in theprogramming game today!
Python is one of the fastest growing programming languages, andno wonder. It requires three to five times less time thandeveloping in Java, is a great building block for learning bothprocedural and object-oriented programming concepts, and is anideal language for data analysis. Beginning Programming with Python For Dummies is the perfect guide to this dynamic andpowerful programming language–even if you’ve ne...
Introduction 1
Part I: Getting Started with Python 5
Chapter 1: Talking to Your Computer 7
Chapter 2: Getting Your Own Copy of Python 21
Chapter 3: Interacting with Pyth...
Despre autor
John Paul Mueller has produced 95 books and over 300articles to date. He’s also contributed articles to magazineslike Dev Source, Inform IT, SQL Server Professional, Vi...