Autor: Joos P. L. Vandewalle

Jairo Espinosa had a considerable experience of the practitioner side of advanced control systems and fuzzy systems in particular working with such companies as Zenith Data Systems in his native Colombia. There, he also won prizes for his academic work and for electronic design. He now works for IPCOS a company specialising in the design of advanced control systems for many process industries. This wil allow the author to draw on a good selection of industrial situations in writing the book.   Vincent Wertz is now head of the Automatic Control Group at Louvain where he is particularly active in Ph.D. supervision work (his contributions to the book will ensure relevance to the graduate market) and the book reflects all of his main research interests.

7 Ebooks de Joos P. L. Vandewalle

Patrick DeWilde & Joos P.L. Vandewalle: Computer Systems and Software Engineering
Computer Systems and Software Engineering is a compilation of sixteen state-of-the-art lectures and keynote speeches given at the COMPEURO ’92 conference. The contributions are from leading researche …
Johan A.K. Suykens & Joos P.L. Vandewalle: Nonlinear Modeling
Nonlinear Modeling: Advanced Black-Box Techniques discusses methods on Neural nets and related model structures for nonlinear system identification; Enhanced multi-stream Kalman filter training for r …
B.L. de Moor & Johan A.K. Suykens: Artificial Neural Networks for Modelling and Control of Non-Linear Systems
Artificial neural networks possess several properties that make them particularly attractive for applications to modelling and control of complex non-linear systems. Among these properties are their …
Igor Aizenberg & Naum N. Aizenberg: Multi-Valued and Universal Binary Neurons
Multi-Valued and Universal Binary Neurons deals with two new types of neurons: multi-valued neurons and universal binary neurons. These neurons are based on complex number arithmetic and are hence mu …
Jairo Jose Espinosa Oviedo & Joos P.L. Vandewalle: Fuzzy Logic, Identification and Predictive Control
Modern industrial processes and systems require adaptable advanced control protocols able to deal with circumstances demanding ‘judgement” rather than simple ‘yes/no”, ‘on/off” responses: circumstanc …
Johan A K Suykens & Mustak E Yalcin: Cellular Neural Networks, Multi-scroll Chaos And Synchronization
For engineering applications that are based on nonlinear phenomena, novel information processing systems require new methodologies and design principles. This perspective is the basis of the three co …
Giovanni Samaey & Joos P. L. Vandewalle: The Invisible Power of Mathematics
How does homebanking work? How are board games developed? How reliable can wind energy get? How do we discover forged paintings? Do smart girls stay single? How dangerous can a bioterrorist get? In a …