Studying the im/mobility trajectories of West Africans in the EU, this book presents a new approach to West African migrants in Europe. It argues that a migration lens is not necessarily the best starting point to understand these dynamic im/mobility processes. Rather than seeing migrancy as the primary marker of their lives, this book positions these trajectories in a wider social script of mobility and discusses how African migrants are confronted with rigid mobility regimes, but also how they manage to transgress and circumvent them.
List of Abbreviations
Part I: Navigations
Chapter 1. Worlding Departures
Chapter 2. Moving through Affective Circuits
Chapter 3. Navigating Webs of Facilitation/Control
Chapter 4. ‘The System’
Part II: Re-viewing Europe
Chapter 5. In Place/Out of Place
Chapter 6. The Multiple
Despre autor
Joris Schapendonk is Assistant Professor at the Geography, Planning and Environment department of Radboud University, Nijmegen, and an active member of Nijmegen Centre for Border Research (NCBR). In 2014, he received a personal research grant from the Innovation Research Scheme of the Netherlands Organisation of Scientific Research.