Helps develop the pastoral skills needed for hearing confessions.
Although the sacramental Rite of Reconciliation is included in many Anglican prayer books, nothing has been written expressly Anglicans since the 1980s that focuses on the pastoral skills required for this ministry. This book combines and passes on the teaching, coaching, skill development, and accumulated pastoral wisdom that has not been widely accessible or well integrated into clergy training.
Realistic transcripts and ‘verbatims’ of sample confessions and counseling sessions involving a wide range of people makes this a unique ministry resource for most seminaries and theological colleges, plus clergy in general-including Lutheran pastors who use the rite of ‘Individual Confession and Absolution’ in the Lutheran Book of Worship.
Despre autor
Martin L. Smith is the author of a number of popular books on the spiritual life, including A Season for the Spirit, The Word is Very Near You, and Compass and Stars. Former member of the Society of St. John the Evangelist, he recently retired as senior associate rector of St Columba’s, Washington DC. He lives in Washington, D.C.