Justin Sachs, PhD, is a highly- acclaimed business and marketing expert who has educated and inspired over twenty-two million business leaders worldwide on how to more powerfully connect with their target market, reach their prospects, create marketing systems, and increase their customer and brand loyalty. Having been acknowledged by US Presidents, Congressmen, and World-Renowned Business Leaders, Mr. Sachs” strategic consulting is called on by some of the world”s leading corporations and brands. Justin has written eight best-selling books on business, marketing, and leadership. He has been featured in hundreds of media outlets throughout the world including Forbes, INC Magazine, AMEX Open Forum, CBS Radio, MSNBC, CNBC, Fox News, ABC, Huffington Post and Yahoo Finance. Justin holds a PhD in Business Management from Canterbury University and a Masters in Organizational Leadership and Development from Middlesex University. Justin”s industry leading publishing company, Motivational Press was recognized in 2014 and 2016 on the INC 500 list as one of the fastest growing companies in North America.Michael Carroll is a business expert with management and Human Resources experience at major corporations throughout the United States. Michael lends his expertise in trend analysis and the macro-business environment to provide an integrated look at the impact millennials have on today”s companies.
10 Ebooks de Justin Sachs
Justin Sachs: Mujeres Innovadoras
Mujeres Innovadoras presenta a las principales emprendedoras y sus secretos del oficio. Va detrás de las cámaras dentro de las empresas dirigidas por mujeres y comparte los principios rectores, las h …
Justin Sachs: Il potere della persistenza
Cos’è il Potere della Persistenza?Qual è il VERO “segreto” del successo e quanto è importante?Non è ora di scoprirlo?La maggior parte delle persone è talmente bloccata nel proprio passato e sommersa …
Sachs Justin Sachs: One-Minute Team Building
One-Minute Team Building features "THE" excerpts written by the foremost experts in corporate, non-profit, and community team building. It includes simple tools, strategies, and principles …