This book includes the original, peer-reviewed research from the 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical, Communication and Information Technologies (ICECIT 2015), held in December, 2015 at Srinivasa Ramanujan Institute of Technology, Ananthapuramu, Andhra Pradesh, India. It covers the latest research trends or developments in areas of Electrical Engineering, Electronic and Communication Engineering, and Computer Science and Information.
Prims Aided Floyd Warshall Algorithm for Shortest Path Identification in Microgrid.- A Comparative Study of Decoupler Design Techniques for TITO Control Processes.- An Adaptive Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for OPF for Non-Smooth Fuel Cost Functions With Facts Device.- Finite Set Model Predictive Current Control of Three Phase Neutral Point Clamped Inverter with Reduced Leg Count.- Coordination of Energy Storage Devices in Hybrid Power Systems.- DESIGN OF CLOSED LOOP CONTROLLER FOR DC-DC CONVERTER BY USING K-FACTOR METHOD USED FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY APPLICATIONS.- Application of Bio-Inspired MPPT Techniques for Photovoltaic System.- Active Power Loss Minimization in Radial Distributed Micro grid Incorporating Distribution Generators.- Interaction: It’s Influence in Multivariable Process Control.- Four Level Boost Converter For Linear Loads.- Field Failure Rate Reduction through ESS with MATLAB based GUI.- A Novel Space vector approach using Shoot Through state for Three Level Z Source Inverter.