This path-breaking book addresses the oft-avoided, yet critical question: where are the women located in contemporary diplomacy and international negotiation? The text presents a novel research agenda, including new theoretical and conceptual perspectives on gender, power and diplomacy. The volume brings together a wide range of established International Relations scholars from different parts of the world to write original contributions, which analyse where the women are positioned in diplomacy and international negotiation. The contributions are rich and global in scope with cases ranging from Brazil, Japan, Turkey, Israel, Sweden to the UN, Russia, Norway and the European Union.
This book fills an important gap in research and will be of much interest to students and scholars of gender, diplomacy and International Relations. The volume also reaches out to a broader community of practitioners with an interest in the practice of diplomacy and international negotiation.
Chapter 1: Introduction. The Study of Gender, Diplomacy and International Negotiation Karin Aggestam & Ann Towns.- Chapter 2: Where are the Female Ambassadors? Gender and Status Hierarchies in Ambassador Postings Ann Towns & Birgitta Niklasson.- Chapter 3: The Taking of Foggy Bottom? Representation in US Diplomacy Sylvia Bashevkin.- Chapter 4: The Swedish MFA: Ready to Live up to Expectations? Birgitta Niklasson & Felicia Robertson.- Chapter 5: Women and Gender in Turkish Diplomacy: Historical Legacies and Current Patterns Bahar Rumelili & Rahime Suleymanoglu-Kurum.- Chapter 6: Brazilian Female Diplomats and the Struggle for Gender Equality Rogério de Souza Farias & Gessi
ca Carmo.-Chapter 7:
Women in Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Petrice R. Flowers.-
Chapter 8:
Where are the Women in Peace Mediation?
Karin Aggestam & Isak Svensson.-
Chapter 9:
Women and Peace Negotiations
Thania Paffenholz.-
Chapter 10:
Diplomacy as Crisis: An Institutional Analysis of Gender and
the Failure to Negotiate Peace in Israel
Sarai B. Aharoni.- Chapter 11:.
Descriptive Representation and Negotiation: Gender Balance in the
Committees of the Council of the European Union
Daniel Naurin & Elin Naurin.-
Chapter 12: .
Negotiations at the UN: The Case of UN Security Council
Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security
Torunn L. Tryggestad.-
Chapter 13:& lt;
East-West Negotiations
Erika Svedberg.-
Chapter 14:
Conclusion: The Quest for Gender Justice in Diplomacy
Karin Aggestam & Ann Towns.
Despre autor
Karin Aggestam is Pufendorf Chair Professor at Lund University, visiting professor at Monash University and honorary professor at University of Queensland.
Ann Towns is Associate Professor in political science at the University of Gothenburg and a Wallenberg Academy Fellow.