A guidebook to walking the Westweg (Westway) between Pfozheim in Germany to Basel in Switzerland. Covering 285km (177 miles), this long-distance trek through the Black Forest takes around 2 weeks and is suitable for any reasonably fit walker.
The route is described north to south in 13 stages, each between 15 and 28km (9–17 miles) in length. Two variants between Titisee and Basel are described, the western route takes in Feldberg, the Black Forest’s highest peak, whilst the quieter eastern route summits the Herzogenhorn peak.
- 1:100, 000 mapping plus larger-scale town maps for key locations
- GPX files available to download
- Detailed information about refreshments and facilities along the route
- Advice on planning and preparation
Overview map
Transport map
The Westweg
Plants and wildlife
Walking the Westweg
Getting there
Getting around
Walking without luggage
Where to stay
First and last nights
Food and drink
Dangers and annoyances
When to go
Maps, navigation and GPS
Trail etiquette
Health and insurance
Money matters
Tourist information
Using this guide
Pforzheim to Hausach
Stage 1 Pforzheim to Dobel
Stage 2 Dobel to Forbach
Stage 3 Forbach to Unterstmatt
Stage 4 Unterstmatt to Alexanderschanze
Stage 5 Alexanderschanze to Hark
Stage 6 Hark to Hausach
Hausach to Titisee
Stage 7 Hausach to Wilhelmshöhe
Stage 8 Wilhelmshöhe to Kalte Herberge
Stage 9 Kalte Herberge to Titisee
Western route: Titisee to Basel
Stage 10A Titisee to Notschrei
Stage 11A Notschrei to Haldenhof
Stage 12A Haldenhof to Kandern
Stage 13A Kandern to Basel
Eastern route: Titisee to Basel
Stage 10B Titisee to Feldberg
Stage 11B Feldberg to Weißenbachsattel
Stage 12B Weißenbachsattel to Hasel
Stage 13B Hasel to Degerfelden
Stage 14B Degerfelden to Basel
Appendix A Route summary table
Appendix B Accommodation
Appendix C Further information
Appendix D German-English glossary
Despre autor
As a herbalist and ethnobotanist Kat spends a lot of time walking and exploring, while smelling the herbs and flowers along the way. After spending many years living, studying and working abroad, Kat has found a special place in her heart for the Black Forest region in the southwestern corner of Germany. As a writer and nature mentor she never tires of sharing her knowledge and passion for this delightful and fascinating corner of our beautiful planet.