This third book in the trilogy, Touching God, is suggested prayers to end your time of devotion. Each prayer encourages praise, confession of sins, and thanksgiving. The sins included in this book are from the many lists of sins scattered through the Bible, especially the New Testament. I left out requests so you can add your own personal needs and observations. I highly encourage you to pray a little bit for yourself and a whole lot for other people. Pray through your congregation’s membership directory, a nearby school’s lists of teachers, administrators, and maintenance staff, stories from your local newspaper, lists of state and federal officials, lists of missionaries, names of your neighbors, etc. I dare you to pray for 50 people, 100 people, 500 people. You do not need to explain each person’s needs. God knows them. If all you can do is bring their name before the throne of God, then do that. Set aside time every day for prayer. It may be all in the morning, all in the evening, or scattered throughout the day. May these prayers help you along the way to connect with your Maker, your God, the Lover of your Soul. The beautiful cover is an original by famed watercolorist Betsy Kemp Thompson. She has other originals for sale and can be reached at Watercolors
January 2
February 27
March 50
April 77
May 101
June 125
July 151
August 178
September 207
October 234
November 260
December 285
Thank You 311
Get All 3 Books In The Touching God Series 311
About the Author 312
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The Detroit Institute of Art, with a collection valued at over 8 billion dollars and 100 galleries of art from around the world was the home away from home for Betsy Kemp Thompson from the time she could ride the bus alone and on into adulthood. The DIA is among the most visited art museums in the world, especially by Betsy.
Every Saturday for years ~ some 500 trips ~ Betsy went to the DIA and spent all day meticulously studying the 8′-and-10′ tall oil portraits, scrutinizing the paintings by world-renowned artists, and studying landscapes covering entire walls in both galleries and massive hallways.
As an adult, she hosted a television show in Nashville, Tennessee ~ A Brush with Art ~ teaching watercolor methods.
Some of her many watercolors are for sale on her website at
She has resided in Nashville for nearly forty years, where she and her husband, Sam (the love of her life) have spoiled three children and numerous grandchildren. They have done inner-city work together in Nashville for thirty-eight years.