The Essence of Nonsense is a compilation of Nonsensical Rhymes which have been translated by the Author into English from a select few of the exceptional Poems present in the hilarious Abol Tabol, which had originally been composed in Bengali by the legendary but Late Sukumar Ray, in an attempt to convey at least a fraction of the side splittingly funny but yet incredibly provocative satire of Abol Tabol’ to those readers, especially Children, who have so far been deprived of the satirical humor inherent in the magnificent verses of the marvelous Abol Tabol
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Although Kaushik is a Software Developer by profession, his interest in Literary Nonsense was aroused quite early when he was exposed to the incredible genius of the legendary Late Sukumar Ray in childhood. His maiden venture, “The Essence of Nonsense”, is his personal tribute to the brilliance of the Late Sukumar Ray.