This book is meant to be a comprehensive book on all the various types of bridge hands. Each type of hand is categorized in a separate chapter. Volume One contains a partial compilation of my three books on tournament bridge. These three books are Tournament Bridge for Beginning Players, Tournament Bridge for Intermediate Players, and Tournament Bridge for Advanced Players. All three of these books were revised in 2018.
Volume Two contains a partial compilation of my two books on playing notrump hands and on playing defense. These two books are entitled Playing the Notrump Hand in Bridge and Tips on Bridge Defense. Both of these books were also revised in 2018.
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Ken Casey has published 15 books on how to play bridge, how to defend at bridge and how to bid. Ken has also published a book on the national fiscal crisis called The Coming Collapse of America, which maps out a plan to balance the budget. Ken has further published a book on how to insure optimal health in old age called The Casey Diet: Add 10 Years to Your Life. Finally, Ken has published a book detailing the depletion of fossil fuels and describing how the world can seamlessly transition to a world of nuclear power and ammonia fueled vehicles, called The Coming Chaos: Fossil Fuel Depletion and Global Warming.
Ken served as a Russian interpreter during the Vietnam War and then spent over 30 years practicing as a tax lawyer. Ken also has an MBA in accounting and a CPA.