The Handbook of Career Advising
‘The Handbook of Career Advising not only provides a general introduction to this important academic advising function, but offers many practical applications that can help students make realistic and timely career decisions. As students face an ever-changing and complex workplace, helping them integrate their academic and career decisions has never been more important. This book is an excellent resource for advisors; it helps them become more cognizant of the critical role they play and will facilitate the development of the knowledge and competencies required to perform this important advising task.’–Virginia Gordon, associate professor emeritus, The Ohio State University
‘This book provides a wealth of information for anyone whose work involves helping students discover how intentional choices in curricular and cocurricular educational experiences can prepare them for tomorrow’s workplace. The theoretical foundations, information and resources, frameworks for practice, and recommendations for the future included in this book will guide academic advisors as they positively influence students’ lives by helping them systematically and enthusiastically approach their career development.’–Mary Stuart Hunter, assistant vice provost, National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, University of South Carolina
‘The Handbook of Career Advising provides excellent information, resources, and examples of how academic advisors can become more knowledgeable and comfortable in providing career advising. Here, authors address critical issues such as diversity, working with specific student groups, and working with undecided or exploratory students. This book provides examples that illustrate how career and academic advising are significant parts of the teaching and learning process that support student success on our campuses.’–Casey Self, executive director, Academic Advising, University College, Arizona State University, and 2009 NACADA president
Tables, Figures, and Exhibits.
The Authors.
1 Foundations of Career Advising.
Pager: Please set chapter author names according to Simbachtemplate. I’ve coded them here as Contents H2 to differentiate themfrom the Content Chapter Titles–Copyeditor (Kenneth F. Hughey, Judith K. Hughey).
2 The Evolving Workplace: Integrating Academic and Career Advising(Rich Feller, Brian O’Bruba).
3 Career Advising Competencies (Eileen Mahoney).
4 Theories of Career Development to Inform Advising (Spencer G.Niles, Brian Hutchison).
5 Using Student Development Theory to Inform Career Advising(Heidi Koring, Beverly Reid).
6 Diversity and Career Advising (Aaron H. Carlstrom, Marilyn S.Kaff, Karen R. Low).
7 Information Resources to Enhance Career Advising (Darrin L.Carr, Susan A. Epstein).
8 Career Advising: A Framework for Practice (Joanne K.Damminger).
9 Integrated Career and Academic Advising Programs (Dorothy Burton Nelson, Betsy Mc Calla-Wriggins).
10 Career Advising with Undecided Students (Catherine A.Buyarski).
11 Career Advising with Specific Student Populations (Peggy Jordan, Terri Blevins).
12 Evaluation and Assessment in Career Advising (Rich Robbins).
13 Career Advising: Challenges, Opportunities, and Recommendations for the Future (Betsy Mc Calla-Wriggins, Kenneth F.Hughey, Joanne K. Damminger, Dorothy Burton Nelson).
Appendix A. Exemplary Practices: Integrated Academic and Career Advising Centers.
Appendix B. Diversity and Career Advising: Case Studies.
Appendix C. Advising Undecided Students: Case Studies.
Appendix D. Resource Information for Examples of Existing Standardized Evaluation Instruments.
Appendix E. Example of a Syllabus for Career Advising.
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The Editors
Kenneth F. Hughey is professor and chair of the Department of Special Education, Counseling, and Student Affairs at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas.
Dorothy Burton Nelson directs the Center for Student Excellence at Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond, Louisiana.
Joanne K. Damminger is assistant vice president for student affairs at Delaware Technical Community College.
Betsy Mc Calla-Wriggins is director emeritus of the Career and Academic Planning Center at Rowan University in Glassboro, New Jersey.