From its inception, The Integrationist publications have sought to
invite regional scholarship, rigorous research and to draw upon the
inestimable depth of writings of the regions intellectuals, academics
and technical experts on various development perspectives, policy
options, analyses and recommendations relative to the Caribbean
Communitys integration process and its overall development agenda.
In so doing, The Integrationist offers a rich resource and reference
point for Caribbean leaders, policymakers and, ultimately, the regional
citizenry on integration, on unique problems faced by the region, on
current realities and solutions or options from which the region may
choose on its path to development.
Despre autor
Professor Sir Kenneth Hall is the former Governor General of Jamaica; former Pro-Vice Chancellor and Principal Mona Campus, University of the West Indies (UWI); Chancellor of the University College of the Caribbean and Honorary Distinguished Research Fellow, UWI, Mona, Jamaica.
Myrtle Chuck-A-Sang is the former Director of the UWI-CARICOM Institutional Relations Project and currently Managing Director and Editor of The Integrationist.