Manual of Trauma Management in the Dog and Cat provides
quick access to clinically relevant information on stabilizing,
diagnosing, and managing the trauma patient. The book uses an
outline format to provide fast access to
essential information, focusing on practical advice and
techniques for treating traumatic injuries. Manual of Trauma
Management in the Dog and Cat is an ideal handbook for quickly
and confidently managing this common presenting complaint.
Beginning with a concise summary of the global assessment of
traumatized patients, the heart of the book is devoted to guidance
on managing specific types of trauma following definitive
diagnosis. Manual of Trauma Management in the Dog and
Cat is a valuable quick-reference guide to treating canine
and feline trauma patients for general practitioners and emergency
specialists alike.
Preface VIII
Acknowledgments IX
Contributor List X
1. Global Approach To The Trauma Patient 1
Kenneth J. Drobatz
2. Triage and Primary Survey 6
Matthew W. Beal
3. Shock In The Trauma Patient 19
Rebecca S. Syring
4. Monitoring The Trauma Patient 46
Dana L. Clarke and Andrew J. Brown
5. Anesthesia and Analgesia For The Trauma Patient 72
Benjamin M. Brainard and Lindsey Culp Snyder
6. Trauma-Associated Thoracic Injury 98
Matthew W. Beal
7. Traumatic Brain Injury 136
Rebecca S. Syring
8. Trauma-Associated Peripheral Nerve Injury 157
Jessica Snyder
9. Traumatic Spinal Injury 166
Daniel Fletcher
10. Urinary Tract Trauma 176
Merilee F. Costello
11. Trauma-Associated Abdominal Parenchymal Organ Injury 191
Andrew J. Brown, Charles S. Mc Brien, and Stephen J. Mehler
12. Trauma-Associated Biliary Tract Injury 204
Philipp D. Mayhew
13. Trauma-Associated Body Wall and Torso Injury 214
Philipp D. Mayhew and William Culp
14. Trauma-Associated Gastrointestinal Injury 220
Philipp D. Mayhew and William Culp
15. Trauma-Associated Ocular Injury 229
Deborah C. Mandell
16. Trauma-Associated Musculoskeletal Injury To The Head 255
Alexander M. Reiter and John R. Lewis
17. Trauma-Associated Soft Tissue Injury To The Head and Neck 279
John R. Lewis and Alexander M. Reiter
18. Trauma-Associated Musculoskeletal Injury To The Appendicular Skeleton 293
Stephen J. Mehler
19. Trauma-Associated Musculoskeletal Injury To The Pelvis, Sacrum, and Tail 335
Lauren May and Stephen J. Mehler
20. Bite Wound Trauma 347
David Holt
21. Trauma-Associated Aural Injury 356
William T. Culp and Philipp D. Mayhew
Index 365
Despre autor
Kenneth J. Drobatz, DVM, MSCE, DACVIM, DACVECC, is Professor
and Chief of the Section of Critical Care at the University of
Pennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicine as well as Director of
Emergency Services.
Matthew W. Beal, DVM, DACVECC, is an Associate Professor
of Emergency and Critical Care Medicine and Director of
Interventional Radiology Services at the College of Veterinary
Medicine at Michigan State University.
Rebecca S. Syring, DVM, DACVECC, is a Staff Veterinarian
in the Section of Critical Care at the University of Pennsylvania’s
School of Veterinary Medicine.