James H Clark is Professor of Chemistry at the University of York, and is Founding Director of the Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence and the Bio-renewables Development Centre. He started the award-winning company Starbons Ltd and he is now involved in commercialisation of novel bio-based solvents and new green technologies. He was founding scientific editor of the world-leading journal Green Chemistry. His research has led to numerous awards including Honorary Doctorates from universities in Belgium, Germany and Sweden. He has Visiting Professorships in South Africa and China, and was recently appointed as Chair-Professor at Fudan University. He has published over 500 articles (h index over 72) and written or edited over 20 books and is Editor-in-chief of the RSC Green Chemistry book series. He has received numerous awards and distinctions including the 2018 Green Chemistry prize.
9 Ebooks de Klaus Kummerer
Louise Summerton & Helen F Sneddon: Green and Sustainable Medicinal Chemistry
Pharmaceutical manufacturing was one of the first industries to recognize the importance of green chemistry, with pioneering work including green chemistry metrics and alternative solvents and reagen …
Klaus Kümmerer: Pharmaceuticals in the Environment
When the first green wave appeared in the mid and late 1960s, it was considered a f- sible task to solve pollution problems. The visible problems were mostly limited to point sources, and a comprehen …
Klaus Kümmerer & Maximilian Hempel: Green and Sustainable Pharmacy
Within recent years pharmaceuticals have come into focus as contaminants of the environment (see for example Kümmerer, K. editor: Pharmaceuticals in the Environment). At the same time the issue of su …
Andreas Exner & Martin Held: Kritische Metalle in der Großen Transformation
Das Buch weitet den Blick über die kurzfristige Verfügbarkeit von kritischen Metallen auf die grundlegende Frage: Kritisch für wen? Die Autoren nehmen alle Akteure in den Blick und behandeln geologis …
Despo Fatta-Kassinos & Kai Bester: Xenobiotics in the Urban Water Cycle
The history of chemistry and pharmaceutical sciences is an impressive success story. The products of chemical and pharmaceutical industries are present eve- where in our everyday life. They help to p …
Dionysios D. Dionysiou & Despo Fatta-Kassinos: Advanced Treatment Technologies for Urban Wastewater Reuse
This volume offers a detailed overview of currently applied and tested wastewater treatment technologies and the integration of advanced processes to remove trace organic contaminants and microorgani …
Dionysios D. Dionysiou & Despo Fatta-Kassinos: Wastewater Reuse and Current Challenges
This volume discusses the current challenges related to the reuse of wastewater. It reviews the analytical methodologies for evaluating emerging contaminants and their transformation products, the se …
Klaus Kummerer: Pharmaceuticals in the Environment
When the first green wave appeared in the mid and late 1960s, it was considered a fea- sible task to solve pollution problems. The visible problems were mostly limited to point sources, and a compreh …