Seit 30 Jahren beschäftigt sich Knud Nierhaus mit dem Ribosom. In diesem Band fügt er, unterstützt von erfahrenen Fachleuten aus verschiedenen Disziplinen, die gegenwärtig gesicherten Erkenntnisse über Struktur und Funktion dieses größten in lebenden Zellen existierenden Enzymkomplexes zu einem beeindruckenden Porträt zusammen. Erwogen werden nahezu sämtliche denkbaren Aspekte des Themas, wobei sich Antworten auf manche schon vor Jahrzehnten gestellte Frage ergeben. Ein Muss für Molekularbiologen, Biotechnologen, Pharmakologen und Molekularmediziner!
History of Protein Biosynthesis and Ribosome Research (H.-J. Rheinberger)
Structure of the Ribosome (G. Blaha)
Assembly of the Prokaryotic Ribosome (K. H. Nierhaus)
Eukaryotic Ribosome Synthesis (D. Lafontaine)
t RNA: Structure and function (V. Marquéz and K. H. Nierhaus)
Aminoacylations of t RNAs: Record-keepers for the Genetic Code (L. Ribas de Pouplana and P. Schimmel)
m RNA Decay and RNA-degrading Machines in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes (A. J. Carpousis and M. Dreyfus)
t RNA Locations on the Ribosome (K. Nierhaus)
Initiation of Protein Synthesis in Eubacteria (D. N. Wilson)
Mechanism and Regulation of Protein Synthesis Initiation in Eukaryotes (T. E. Dever, A. G. Hinnebusch and N. Sonenberg)
The Elongation Cycle (K. H. Nierhaus)
Termination and Ribosome Recycling (D. N. Wilson)
The Mechanism of Recoding in Pro- and Eukaryotes (E. S. Poole, L. L. Major, A. G. Cridge and W. P. Tate)
Regulation of Ribosome Biosynthesis in Escherichia coli (M. Iskakova, S. R. Connell, K. H. Nierhaus)
Antibiotics and the Inhibition of Ribosome Function (D. N. Wilson)
The Work of Chaperones (J.H. Alix )
Despre autor
Knud H. Nierhaus studied medicine and completed his thesis with Prof. Klaus Betke in Tübingen (Germany). In 1968 he joined the Max-Planck-Institut für Molekulare Genetik in Berlin, where he currently leads a research group studying different aspects of translation. He is ‘außerplanmäßiger Professor’ at the TU, Berlin and ‘adjunct Professor’ at the Moscow State University. His main achievements include the development of a method to reconstitute the large subunit from E. coli ribosomes from its isolated components and the detection of a third t RNA binding site, the E site, on the ribosome.
Daniel N. Wilson studied Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Victoria University, Wellington (New Zealand). He carried out his Ph D in the laboratory of Prof. Warren Tate in the Biochemistry Department at the University of Otago, Dunedin. In his thesis he focused on the mechanisms of translational termination and recoding events. Following completion of his studies in 1999, he was awarded an Alexander von Humboldt fellowship and currently works on the crystallography of ribosomes at the Max-Planck-Institut für Molekulare Genetik in Berlin.