Christians around the world are awakening to the Biblical call to ‘Do Justice’–but what does that look like in practice? Through a series of compelling and illuminating letters, a renowned philosopher and the founder of a ground-breaking Honduran justice organization draw on decades of personal experience to discuss theology, politics, human nature, and the messiness of making government systems work to defend rights and uphold justice.
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Nicholas Wolterstorff taught philosophy at Calvin College for thirty years and then, for fifteen years, at Yale University. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a former president of the American Philosophical Association and of the Society of Christian Philosophers. Among the twenty-nine books he has published are
Until Justice and Peace Embrace,
Justice: Rights and Wrongs,
Justice in Love, and
Journey toward Justice.
Kurt Ver Beek
is a professor of Sociology at Calvin College and has lived the past 30 years in Honduras. He and his wife Jo Ann Van Engen direct the Justice Semester in Honduras. Kurt is one of the co-founders of ASJ, a Honduran NGO made up of individuals seeking to be brave Christians making the Honduran government work, especially for the most vulnerable.