Autor: Leila Lerner

Esther Menaker, Ph.D., is Clinical Professor of Psychology in the Post-doctoral Program for Training in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy of New York University. She is a recipient of the Annual Award for Outstanding Contributors to the Science and Profession of Clinical Psychology, and the Distinguished Service Award, presented by the New York Society of Clinical Psychologists and the Division of Psychoanalysis of the American Psychological Association (Division 39), respectively. She has authored many papers and books, including Ego in Evolution (with William Menaker), Otto Rank: A Rediscovered Legacy, and Misplaced Loyalties.Leila Lerner is the editor for special issues of The Psychoanalytic Review. In addition to her extensive work as a psychoanalyst and psychotherapist, Ms. Lerner is a senior member, supervisor, and faculty member of the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis.

2 Ebooks de Leila Lerner

Esther Menaker: Masochism and the Emergent Ego
Esther Menaker sees the ego as an evolutionary achievement emerging from the relational matrix of mother and child and the product of numerous psychosocial forces. She places particular emphasis on t …
Robert M. Friedman & Leila Lerner: Zur Psychoanalyse des Mannes
Neueinschätzungen der psychoanalytischen Psychologie der Frau wurden in den 80er Jahren von feministischer Seite stark vorangetrieben und haben eine Psychoanalyse des Mannes dabei eher in den Hinterg …