Transform Your Mind – From Beyond Your Mind
We all long for peace, love and happiness. And most people want to be successful in the world. But how can you enjoy these qualities and manifest abundance amid the often stressful realities of everyday life?
Fortunately the solution is simple. When you break out of identification with your mind, you set yourself free to create your life the way you choose it to be.
Self-inquiry: The path of discovery
In an easily readable style, Leo introduces an updated form of the ancient wisdom teaching known as Self-inquiry.
Now you can:
Discover the power that makes everything possible
Discover the peace that is beyond understanding
Discover the joy that lives within you as you
Who you truly are is who you feel yourself to be
The simple process of Self-inquiry will bring about a shift of consciousness from thinking you know who and what you are, to the feeling of being who and what you truly are.
Who you feel yourself to be determines:
The quality of your life
The quality of your relationships
The quality of your success in the world
This present moment is the only moment of choice there ever is. Just one new choice, one small step, could change everything …
FOREWORD by Robert Holden
WELCOME The Power of Awareness
The transformation
What’s really important?
How to get the most from this book
A word about techniques
Self-inquiry audio meditations
Heart reflection
CHAPTER ONE The Thief Who Pretends to Be a Policeman
Birthing a book
Who, and what, is the thief?
Creative synergy
The quantum leap of awareness
Do you want it the hard way, or the harder way?
Inquiring from Being
CHAPTER TWO Are You a Human Being – or a Human Doing?
The ‘I’ of the hurricane
The human hurricane
Who is experiencing?
Who is aware?
The nature of Being
Choose to be response-able
Reality is the Now
Attention is already and always free
Your personality is only a program
Free will and destiny
Inquiring from Being
CHAPTER THREE Enjoy Wonderful Company
The conscious continuum
The inner Sun
Whose mind is it anyway?
Being beyond techniques
Inquiring from Being
CHAPTER FOUR You Are the Now
The rear-view mirror principle
The nature of time past
The nature of time future
The nature of the timeless Now
You are free Now
Who are You – really?
Inquiring from Being
CHAPTER FIVE Your Emotionally Intelligent Body
Frogs into princes
Deep story
Surface story
Let it be
Welcome your resistance
Letting go
Instantaneous emotional freedom
Releasing emotions
Unleash your emotional power
What about positive emotions?
Inquiring from Being
CHAPTER SIX Your Mind is Your Servant
Judging violence is violence
Freedom from mental tyranny
Your shadow personality
Clearing limiting beliefs
Mind gardening
Releasing thoughts
Release all beliefs
Your mind will thank you
Unveil the lie of ego
How to transform negative situations
Inquiring from Being
CHAPTER SEVEN The Essence of Confidence
Naturally high self-respect
The unchanging security of Being
What is real is not afraid
The comfort zone of illusory limitations
To love is to be powerful
There is nothing wrong
Inquiring from Being
CHAPTER EIGHT The Authenticity of Being
Authenticity – what’s that?
The ocean of Consciousness
Will the real ‘I’ please stand up
There is neither ‘I’ nor ‘other than I’, there is only …
Teddy bear love
‘I’ wants and ‘I’ is afraid
‘I’ want ‘you’ to make me happy
The ugly duckling
Ask thinking to unveil itself
Follow your smile
Doing nothing
Who are You?
Inquiring from Being
CHAPTER NINE Create a Truly Abundant Life
Creating life from Now
True success is a feeling
Do what you like
The endless possibilities of Now
The destiny of ‘I’
Live your deepest dream
The joy of Being
Inquiring from Being
CHAPTER TEN Live Free From Stress & Suffering
The power of gratitude
Our mutual Heart essence
All is unfolding perfectly
The power of forgiveness
Life’s ‘Catch-22’
Welcome your resistance
Wake up from ‘I’ hypnosis
Awareness is experience and experience is awareness
The miracle
Inquiring from Being
About the Author