Autor: Lian Zhao

Xavier Fernando(S’97–M’01–SM’04) received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada, in 2001. In 2001, he joined Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada, where he is currently a Professor and directing Ryerson Communications Laboratory. He has authored or coauthored over 150 research articles. He is also the sole author of the book “Radio over Fiber for Wireless Communications: From Fundamentals to Advanced Topics” (Wiley, 2014). He is the holder of two patents (one more pending). Prof. Fernando was a member of the IEEE COMSOC Education Board Working Group on Wireless Communications and in the TPC of many conferences including GLOBECOM (track chair) and ICC. He was an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer and has delivered invited lectures and tutorials worldwide. He is a Program Evaluator for ABET. He is the General Chair for the 2014 IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. He was a member of Ryerson Board of Governors during 2010–2011 and the Chair of the IEEE Toronto Section during 2012–2013. His works (with students) have won several awards and prizes, including First Prize in the IEEE Humanitarian Initiative Technology Workshop in 2014, IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society Prize in 2010, Sarnoff Symposium Prize in 2009, Opto-Canada Best Poster Prize in 2003 and, CCECE Best Paper Prize in 2001. He was a finalist for the Top 25 Immigrant Award of Canada in 2012. Ajmery Sultana received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in applied physics, electronics and communication engineering from the University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, in 2006 and 2008, respectively. She is currently pursuing the Ph D degree in electrical and computer engineering at Ryerson University, Canada. She is also an Assistant Professor (on leave) with University of Information Technology & Sciences (UITS), Dhaka, Bangladesh. Her current research interests include resource allocation in cognitive and cooperative communication systems, and device-to-device communication. Sattar Hussain received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, in 2013. He joined the Department of Information and Communications Engineering Technology (ICET), Centennial College, Toronto, Canada in 2016 as a Faculty Member. Since 2009, he is teaching as adjunct Faculty at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.  From 2005 to 2007, he joined the Cable shoppe Inc., Toronto, Canada as a Senior R&D Engineer. His current research spans the broad area of wireless communications. Recently, he is focusing in cooperative spectrum sensing, cognitive radio networks, Ad Hoc and Mesh Network, Io T Applications, Mobility in Wireless Networks, and adaptive signal processing. He participated as a committee member in organizing INCF2009, CCECE2014, IHTC2017 conferences. Currently he is a guest editor for International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks „Special Collection on Knowledge and Development of Io T and Cyber-Physical Systems Architectures”. He won the 3rd best paper award in IHTC2017 for a research in wireless body area networks. Lian Zhao (S’99–M’03–SM’06) received the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ELCE), University of Waterloo, Canada, in 2002. She joined the Department of ELCE at Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, in 2003 and a Professor in 2014. Her research interests are in the areas of wireless communications, radio resource management, power control, cognitive radio and cooperative communications, optimization for advanced wireless communication systems. She received the Best Land Transportation Paper Award from IEEE Vehicular Technology Society in 2016; Top 15 Editor in 2015 for IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology; Best Paper Award from the 2013 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP) and Best Student Paper Award (with her student) from Chinacom in 2011; the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) New Opportunity Research Award in 2005, and Early Tenure and promotion to Associate Professor in 2006. She has been an Editor for IEEE TRANSACTIONON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY since 2013; workshop co-chair for IEEE/CIC ICCC 2015; local arrangement co-chair for IEEE VTC Fall2017 and IEEE Infocom 2014; co-chair for IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2013 Communication Theory Symposium. She served as a committee member for NSERC (Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada) Discovery Grants Evaluation Group for Electrical and Computer Engineering since 2015; an Associate Chair at the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Ryerson University 2013-2015. She is a licensed professional Engineer in the Province of Ontario, a senior member of the IEEE Communication and Vehicular Society.

3 Ebooks de Lian Zhao

Peter He & Lian Zhao: Radio Resource Management Using Geometric Water-Filling
This brief introduces the fundamental theory and development of managing radio resources using a water-filling algorithm that can optimize system performance in wireless communication. Geometric …
Xavier Fernando & Ajmery Sultana: Cooperative Spectrum Sensing and Resource Allocation Strategies in Cognitive Radio Networks
Cognitive radio networks (CRN) will be widely deployed in the near future, and this Springer Brief covers some important aspects of it, as well as highlighting optimization strategies in Resource All …
Mushu Li & Jie Gao: Intelligent Computing and Communication for the Internet of Vehicles
This book investigates intelligent network resource management for Io V, with the objective of maximizing the communication and computing performance of vehicle users. Focusing on two representative …