Autor: Loet Leydesdorff

Loet Leydesdorff (Ph.D. Sociology, M.A. Philosophy, and M.Sc. Biochemistry) is Professor emeritus at the Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCo R) of the University of Amsterdam. He is Associate Faculty at the Science and Technology Policy Research Unit (SPRU) of the University of Sussex, Visiting Professor of the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC) in Beijing, Guest Professor at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, and Visiting Fellow at the School of Management, Birkbeck, University of London. He has published extensively in systems theory, social network analysis, scientometrics, and the sociology of innovation (see at or NYAAAAJ&hl=en). With Henry Etzkowitz, he initiated a series of workshops, conferences, and special issues about the Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations. He received the Derek de Solla Price Award for Scientometrics and Informetrics in 2003 and held “The City of Lausanne” Honor Chair at the School of Economics, Université de Lausanne, in 2005. In 2007, he was Vice-President of the 8th International Conference on Computing Anticipatory Systems (CASYS’07, Liège). Since 2014, the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI/Clarivate) lists him as a highly-cited author.                     Google Scholar Web-of-Science Scopus Publications 916                    407                    410 Citations      57, 637               15, 405               18, 894 h-index        105                     62                      68 Google Scholar NYAAAAJ&hl=en Wo S: Scopus ID: Id=7003954276 ORCID: See for a LIST OF PUBLICATIONS at   Born:                            August 21, 1948 in Djakarta (Dutch Indies) Current Address:         Paradijsplein 88, 1093 NJ,   Amsterdam, The Netherlands  Institutional Affiliation: Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASo R), University of Amsterdam  Nationality:                  Dutch  Marital status:             Married with two children  EDUCATION 1984  Ph.D. in the Faculty of Social Sciences (sociology)  1977  M.A. Philosophy  1973  M.Sc. Biochemistry (cum laude)  1969  B.Sc. Chemistry (cum laude) 1966  Gymnasium β WORK EXPERIENCE 2013            Honorary Fellow, Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCo R), University of Amsterdam 2014            Guest Professor at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 2016-(2019)  Associate Faculty at SPRU – Science and Technology Policy Research of the University of Sussex 2014-2019    Listed among the most-highly cited authors (during the previous ten years) by Clarivate/Thomson Researchers 2017            Academician of the Intern. Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences2016            Honorary President of the Triple Helix Association 2015            Honorary President of the World Association for Triple Helix & Future Studies (WATEF), South Korea 2013            Emeritus, University of Amsterdam 2010-2018    Professor, “Communication and Innovation in the Dynamics of Science and Technology”, University of Amsterdam 2013-2016    Honorary Professor at SPRU – Science and Technology Policy Research of the University of Sussex 2007-2013    Honorary Fellow of SPRU – Science and Technology Policy Research of the University of Sussex 2013-2016    Visiting Professor at the School of Management, Birkbeck, University of London2007            Visiting Professor at the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC) in Beijing 2007            Vice-President of the 8th Intern. Conf. on Computing Anticipatory Systems (Liège)2006-2010    Honorary Research Fellow at the Virtual Knowledge Studio of the Netherlands Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences 2005            ‘City of Lausanne’ Honor Chair, University of Lausanne2003            Derek de Solla Price Award for Quantitative Science Studies 2000-2010    Associate Professor, Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCo R), University of Amsterdam 1980-2000    Senior lecturer at the Department of Science & Technology Dynamics of the University of Amsterdam  1998-1999    Visiting Researcher at the National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP), Tokyo 1996            Distinguished AGT-Visitor, Communication Studies, University of Calgary, Canada  1990            Maître de Recherche, Centre de Sociologie de l’Innovation, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines, Paris (February/March)  1976 -1980   Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam 1978 -1981   Daily Board of the Amsterdam Science Shop  1974 -1976   Assistant Professor for „Science and Society” at the Studium Generale of the University of Utrecht  1972 -1973   Teaching assistant for „Science and Society” at the Philosophy Faculty of the University of Amsterdam  1969 -1972   Part-time professor for chemical technology at the Rietveld Academy of Arts in Amsterdam   EDITORIAL BOARDS OF:  Associate Editor, Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 2016-; Academic Editor, Peer J Computer Science, 2015-; Honorable Editor, Journal of Open Innovation, 2014-; Associate Editor, Triple Helix, J. of University-Industry-Government Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2014-; Scientometrics, 1987- ; Price Medal Laureates Board;  Social Science Information, 1994- ; Industry and Higher Education, 1997- ; Cybermetrics 1997- ; Journal of Technology Transfer, 1999- ; Science & Public Policy, 2004- ; Journal of Informetrics, 2006-2019; Quantitative Science Studies (QSS), 2020-; International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies, 2006- ; RECIIS – Electronic J. in Communication, Information, and Innovation in Health, 2007- ; The Open Communication Journal, 2007- 2015; Journal of Knowledge-based Innovation in China, 2008 -; COLLNET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management, 2008- ;Int. J. of Information Technologies and the Systems Approach (IJITSA), 2008- ; Information, 2009- ;  Intern. J. of Advance Computer Science and Information Technology (IJACSIT), 2013-; Systema. Connecting matter, life, culture, and technology, 2013- ; Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia (JCEA), 2015- ; Metalogicon, Int. J. of Pure and Applied Logic, Linguistics and Philosophy, 2015-;Foresight. The journal of future studies, strategic thinking and policy / Форсайт, 2019- Journal of University-Industry Collaboration, 2019-  Contributing Editor to Science & Technology Studies, 1987-1988; Contributing Editor to Science, Technology & Human Values, 1988-1990;  Journal of the Int. Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (JISSI), 1995-1998;  Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies, 1999-2001; Education, Science, and Innovation in the Knowledge Society (book series), 2013-2015; Science, Technology and Society, 2001-2002; Science Forum, 科学观察, 2005- 2015; triple C: e-journal for cognition • communication • co-operation, 2002-2014.  Crisis Communication, 2012-2015;.  

4 Ebooks de Loet Leydesdorff

Stuart Blume & Joske Bunders: Social Direction of the Public Sciences
This volume of the Sociology of the Sciences Yearbooks stems from our experience that collaborations between non-scientists and scientists, often initiated by scientists seeking greater social releva …
Blaise Cronin & Cassidy R. Sugimoto: Beyond Bibliometrics
A comprehensive, state-of-the-art examination of the changing ways we measure scholarly performance and research impact. Bibliometrics has moved well beyond the mere tracking of bibliographic citatio …
Loet Leydesdorff: Evolutionary Dynamics of Discursive Knowledge
This open access book addresses three themes which have been central to Leydesdorff’s research: (1) the dynamics of science, technology, and innovation; (2) the scientometric operationalization of th …
Ulrike Felt & Rayvon Fouche: Handbook of Science and Technology Studies
The fourth edition of an authoritative overview, with all new chapters that capture the state of the art in a rapidly growing field.Science and Technology Studies (STS) is a flourishing interdiscipli …