Complete and comprehensive manual for eliciting, defining, and managing needs and requirements, integration, verification, and validation across the lifecycle
The INCOSE Needs and Requirements Manual presents product development and systems engineering practices, activities, and artifacts from the perspective of needs, requirements, verification, and validation across the system lifecycle. Composed of 16 chapters, this book provides practical guidance to help organizations understand the importance of lifecycle concepts, needs, requirements, verification, and validation activities, enabling them to successfully and effectively implement these activities during product development, systems engineering, and project management.
The parent handbook published by Wiley, INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook, divides the system lifecycle into a series of processes, with each process described in terms of a series of activities. This Manual provides more detail needed by practitioners to successfully implement these activities, with guidance and lessons learned from hundreds of years of collective experience of the authors, contributors, and reviewers. For example, while the Handbook mentions the need to define the problem statement, mission, goals, and objectives for a system, the Manual provides detailed guidance on doing so.
Sample topics covered in the INCOSE Needs and Requirements Manual include:
- Defining the problem, opportunity, or threat and defining a mission statement, goals, objectives, and measures.
- Identifying external and internal stakeholders, eliciting stakeholder needs and requirements, defining drivers and constraints, and assessing risk.
- Performing lifecycle concept analysis and maturation and defining an integrated set of needs that represents the scope of the project.
- Transforming the integrated set of needs into well-formed design input requirements.
- Using attributes to manage needs and requirements across the lifecycle.
- Continuous integration, verification, and validation across the lifecycle.
- Moving between levels of the architecture, flow down and allocation of requirements, and budgeting performance, resource, and quality requirements.
- Defining the system verification and system validation success criteria, method, strategy, and responsible organizations.
- Planning and executing successful system verification and validation programs.
- Managing needs, requirements, verification, and validation across the lifecycle.
- Understanding the importance of an integrated, collaborative project team and effective communication between team members
The INCOSE Needs and Requirements Manual is an essential accompanying reference to the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook for novice and seasoned system engineers, software engineers, project managers, product developers, tool vendors, course developers, educators, trainers, customers, suppliers, non-SE stakeholders , as well as researchers and students studying systems engineering and systems design.
INCOSE Notices xv
Preface xvi
Authors xvii
Major Contributors xviii
Reviewers xix
Revision History xx
List of Figures xxi
List of Tables xxiv
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Purpose 1
1.2 Scope 2
1.3 Audience 3
1.4 Approach 3
1.5 Mapping of NRVV Across Standards 5
1.6 The Five NRVV Activity Areas Discussed in this Manual 7
1.7 Needs and Requirements Manual Organization 8
2 Definitions and Concepts 11
2.1 Ontology used in this Manual 11
2.2 Definitions 16
2.3 Basic Concepts 20
3 Information-Based Needs and Requirement Development and Management 63
3.1 Information-Based Needs and Requirements Definition and Management 64
3.2 Expression of Text-Based Needs and Requirements within RMTS Versus Models and Diagrams 70
4 Lifecycle Concepts and Needs Definition 77
4.1 Introduction 77
4.2 Prepare for Lifecycle Concepts and Needs Definition 81
4.3 Define Inputs to Lifecycle Concepts Analysis and Maturation 82
4.4 Capture Preliminary Integrated Set of Lifecycle Concepts 130
4.5 Lifecycle Concepts Analysis and Maturation 135
4.6 Define and Record the Integrated Set of Needs 162
4.7 Plan for System Validation 176
4.8 Baseline and Manage Lifecycle Concepts and Needs Definition Outputs 177
5 Needs Verification and Validation 179
5.1 Needs Verification 180
5.2 Needs Validation 184
5.3 Manage Needs Verification and Validation Results 186
5.4 Use of Attributes to Manage Needs Verification and Validation 187
6 Design Input Requirements Definition 189
6.1 Prepare for Design Input Requirements Definition 190
6.2 Perform Design Input Requirements Definition 191
6.3 Baseline and Manage Design Input Requirements 252
6.4 Architectural Levels, Flow Down, Allocation, and Budgeting 257
6.5 Summary of Design Input Requirements Definition 275
7 Requirements Verification and Validation 277
7.1 Requirements Verification 278
7.2 Requirements Validation 283
7.3 Manage Requirements Verification and Validation Results 286
7.4 Use of Attributes to Manage Requirements Verification and Validation 286
8 Design Verification and Design Validation 289
8.1 Design Definition Process Overview 290
8.2 Early System Verification and Validation 293
8.3 Updating System Verification and Validation Artifacts 295
8.4 Design Verification 296
8.5 Design Validation 299
8.6 Manage Design Verification and Validation Results 302
8.7 Use of Attributes to Manage Design Verification and Design Validation 303
9 Production Verification 305
9.1 Production Verification Defined 305
9.2 Scalability, Repeatability, and Yield 306
9.3 Production Verification Versus System Verification 307
9.4 Verification and Validation of the Manufacturing System 308
9.5 Special Considerations 308
9.6 Production Verification 310
10 System Verification and Validation Common Principles 311
10.1 Planning Stage 315
10.2 Defining Stage 345
10.3 Execution Stage: Performing the Procedures 352
10.4 Reporting Stage: Documenting the Results 358
10.5 Approval Stage 362
10.6 Use of Attributes to Manage System Verification and Validation Activities 363
10.7 Maintaining the System Verification and Validation Artifacts 364
11 System Verification and System Validation Processes 367
11.1 System Verification and Validation per Level 368
11.2 Managing the Project’s System Verification and Validation Programs 370
11.3 System Verification Activities 371
11.4 System Validation Process 374
12 The Use of OTS System Elements 379
13 Supplier-Developed SOI 385
13.1 Customer/Supplier Relationships 385
13.2 Customer/Supplier Verification Versus Validation Considerations 392
13.3 Addressing the Evolutionary Nature of Interface Definitions 395
14 Needs, Requirements, Verification, and Validation Management 397
14.1 Prepare for Needs, Requirements, Verification, and Validation Management 399
14.2 Perform Needs, Requirements, Verification, and Validation Management 402
15 Attributes for Needs and Requirements 427
15.1 Attributes to Help Define Needs and Requirements and Their Intent 428
15.2 Attributes Associated with System Verification and System Validation 430
15.3 Attributes to Help Manage the Needs and Requirements 432
15.4 Attributes to Show Applicability and Enable Reuse 440
15.5 Attributes to Aid in Product Line Management 441
15.6 Guidance for Using Attributes 442
16 Desirable Features of an SE Toolset 445
16.1 Choosing an Appropriate Toolset 445
16.2 Desirable Features of an SE Toolset 447
Appendix A: References 455
Appendix B: Acronyms and Abbreviations 459
Appendix C: Glossary 465
Appendix D: Comment Form 487
Index 489
Despre autor
Louis S. Wheatcraft is a Senior Consultant and Managing Member of Wheatland Consulting, LLC and is a long time member of INCOSE and is the current Chair of the INCOSE Requirements Working Group.
Michael J. Ryan is the Director of Capability Associates Pty Ltd. Dr. Ryan recently retired as a Professor at the University of New South Wales and is an INCOSE Fellow.
Tami Edner Katz is a Staff Consultant at BAE Systems, Inc. working as a chief engineer on various space mission projects. Dr. Katz also teaches courses on MBSE and Requirements at the University of Colorado at Boulder.