Autor: Luciano Segreto

Luciano Segreto is a Full Professor of Economic History at the University of Florence, He teaches also at the Bocconi University in Milan, the Gdansk University of Technology, and the Warsaw branch of the College of Europe. He has been teaching in several other European and Chinese universities. His research fields are the history of big family capitalism, the world economy after the end of the Cold War, the international trade of commodities in the 19th and 20th centuries, banking history, and corporate governance in historical perspective. Among his most recent publications Mutual Attraction: Siemens Activities. in. Italy. 1855–1968, in Multinational Enterprise, Political Risk and Organisational Change: From Total War to Cold War, edited by Neil Forbes, Takafumi Kurosawa and Ben Wubs, Routledge, New York 2019; Esportare la corporate governance nel mondo. Milan, Egea 2022; International timber trade, merchants, and the business organization of the sector: The role of Danzig and the southern ports of the Baltic Sea (1823–1913),  in “Business History”,  Published online: 18 Jul 2023.

5 Ebooks de Luciano Segreto

Luciano Segreto & Carles Manera: Europe At the Seaside
Mass tourism is one of the most striking developments in postwar western societies, involving economic, social, cultural, and anthropological factors. For many countries it has become a significant, …
Alessandro Minichilli & Fabio Quarato: Principles and Practices of Corporate Governance
The book places ownership at the center of all relevant choices that the company makes: in particular, it addresses the "problem" of governance from the perspective of ownership, and in a b …
Luciano Segreto: The Timber Economy in the Baltic Sea (1600–1939)
This monograph puts a focus on the fundamental role of timber, in the European industrialization process. This ties into analyzing the early stages of globalization, which often solely revolves aroun …