Malcolm A. Jeeves is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at University of St Andrews, Scotland, Past President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Scotland’s National Academy, and Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences and the British Psychological Society. A pioneer in cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, and evolutionary psychology, he is the author of numerous books on science and faith.
7 Ebooks de Malcolm A. Jeeves
PhD David G. Myers & Malcolm A. Jeeves: Psychology Through the Eyes of Faith
Identifies the major ideas that college and university students will encounter in a basic psychology course and explores connections with Christian belief. …
Malcolm A. Jeeves & Maryse Lassone: Callosal Agenesis
This book is devoted to the description of agenesis of the corpus callosum, a congenital malformation of midline structures in the brain that may be regarded as a natural model of the "split-bra …
Luke Jeffrey Janssen: Soul-Searching
There are well over one hundred different views of the nature of human existence; though the Bible may rule out many of these, there still remains a large number that are all compatible with Scriptur …
Malcolm A. Jeeves: Por que a Ciência e a Fé Caminham Juntas
Na medida em que tentamos compreender a nos mesmas/os e o mundo em que vivemos, muitas vezes olhamos primeiro para a ciencia – e depois, se ainda ha lacunas em nosso entendimento, tentamos preencher …
Malcolm A. Jeeves: Pourquoi la Science et la Foi vont de Pair
Lorsque nous essayons de nous comprendre et de comprendre le monde dans lequel nous vivons, nous nous tournons souvent d’abord vers la science – et ensuite, s’il reste des lacunes dans notre comprehe …
Malcolm A. Jeeves: Por qué la Ciencia y la Fe son Inseparables
En la medida en que tratamos de comprendernos a nosotros mismos y el mundo en el que vivimos, a menudo miramos primero la ciencia – y luego, si todavia hay lagunas en nuestra comprension, tratamos de …