When the first edition of Diversity and Motivation waspublished in 1995, it became a premier resource for faculty andadministrators seeking effective and practical strategies thatfoster motivation among culturally diverse student groups.
This revised and updated second edition of Diversity and Motivation offers a comprehensive understanding of teachingmethods that promote respect, relevance, engagement, and academicsuccess. Margery B. Ginsberg and Raymond J. Wlodkowski base theirinsights and concrete suggestions on their experiences and researchas college faculty.
The book defines norms, illustrates practices, and providestools to develop four foundational conditions for intrinsicallymotivated learning: establishing inclusion, developing a positiveattitude, enhancing meaning, and engendering competence. Theauthors provide perspectives on the social justice implications ofeach condition.
Diversity and Motivation includes resources to helpeducators create a supportive community of learners, facilitateequitable discussions in linguistically diverse classrooms, designengaging lessons, and assess students fairly. The ideas in thisbook apply across disciplines and include teaching practices thatcan be easily adapted to a range of postsecondary settings.
In addition, the authors include a cohesive approach to syllabusconstruction, lesson design, and faculty development. This newedition also contains a framework for motivating students outsidetraditional classroom settings.
The Authors.
1. Understanding Relationships Between Culture and Motivation to Learn.
2. Establishing Inclusion.
3. Developing Attitude.
4. Enhancing Meaning.
5. Engendering Competence.
6. Implementing a Culturally Responsive Pedagogy.
Resource A: Charting Insights from Lesson Study.
Resource B: Working with a Faculty Team to Introduce the Motivational Framework.
Resource C: The Motivational Framework.
Resource D: The Motivational Framework Lesson Plan.
Resource E: Facilitating Equitable Discussions Within a Multicultural Classroom.
Resource F: Effective Lecturing Within a Multicultural Classroom.
Resource G: Providing Written Feedback to Students in a Multicultural Classroom.
Resource H: Cooperative Lesson Worksheet.
Resource I: Inclusion, Attitude, Meaning, and Competence Rubrics.
Resource J: Peer Coaching Rubrics.
Resource K: Evaluating the Motivational Conditions of a Class.
Name Index.
Subject Index.
Despre autor
Margery B. Ginsberg is associate professor and director of Leadership for Learning, a doctoral program for aspiringsuperintendents and system-level leaders at the University of Washington-Seattle. Her publications include Motivation Matters: A Workbook for School Change and Creating Highly Motivating Classrooms for All Students: A Schoolwide Approach to Powerful Teaching with Diverse Learners. She focuses her work onthe ongoing improvement of teaching in primary, secondary, andpostsecondary education.
Raymond J. Wlodkowski is a former professor of educationalpsychology who specializes in motivation and adult learning. He isthe author of Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn, winner of the Phillip E. Frandson Award for Literature.