Michael Klingenstierna Hjerth, M.SC in psychology, BA in philosophy, Licensed Psychologist. Clinical psychologist, trainer and supervisor at Solutionwork Institute. Co-founder of Solutionwork Institute Stockholm, President of International Solution-Focused Training Institutes (IASTI), former secretary of EBTA, former editorial team member of International Journal of Solution-Focused Practices. Author of two books on solution-focus and neuropsychiatry.
3 Ebooks de Marie-Christine Cabie
Svea van der Hoorn & Kirsten Dierolf: Theory of Solution-Focused Practice
This book is the result of a collaboration between a number of authors working as a European Brief Therapy Association (EBTA) task-group. This is the 2020 state of the art version of understanding an …
Kirsten Dierolf & Svea van der Hoorn: Theorie van de Oplossingsgerichte Praktijk
Dit boek is het samenwerkingsresultaat van verschillende auteurs die als SF Practice Definition taakgroep van de European Brief Therapy Association (EBTA) samenwerken. Dit document betreft de 2020 ve …
Svea van der Hoorn & Kirsten Dierolf: Teoria della Pratica Centrata sulla Soluzione
Questo libro è il frutto des lavoro congiunto di eccellenti esperti es ricercatori nell’ambito Solution Focused riuniti in un gruppo di lavora promosso da EBTA (European Brief Therapy Association), e …