Autor: Mark Honigsbaum

Mark Honigsbaum is a journalist, writer and Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. Formerly Chief Reporter of the Observer, he has contributed articles for most British national newspapers and has made several documentaries for television. When he isn”t travelling in South America he lives in London with his wife and two children

3 Ebooks de Mark Honigsbaum

Mark Honigsbaum: Pandemic Century
A Financial Times Best Book of the Year The most timely and informative history book you will read this year, tracing a century of pandemics, with a new chapter on COVID-19.Ever since the 1918 Spanis …
Mark Honigsbaum: The Pandemic Century: One Hundred Years of Panic, Hysteria, and Hubris
With a New Chapter and Updated Epilogue on Coronavirus A Financial Times Best Health Book of 2019 and a New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice ‘Honigsbaum does a superb job covering a century’s w …
Mark Honigsbaum: Das Jahrhundert der Pandemien
Eine lehrreiche Medizingeschichte über ein Jahrhundert voller Krankheiten und wissenschaftlichen Fortschritts   Medizinhistoriker und Journalist Dr. Mark Honigsbaum blickt auf 100 Jahre Pandemiegesch …