For the last two decades, this best-selling, step-by-step guide to oculoplastic surgery has been highly respected and widely used by ophthalmologists, oculofacial plastic fellows, residents, ENT-facial plastic surgeons, and general plastic surgeons. The revised and updated fifth edition of Manual of Oculoplastic Surgery is designed to guide the physician in exploring and completing a variety of ocular plastic procedures in a comprehensive and logical step-by-step sequence. It features new authors.
Sections include: Trauma, Lacrimal Surgery, Cosmetic, Congenital Ptosis, Acquired Ptosis, Eyelid Malposition, Facial Nerve Dysfunction, Eyelid Flaps, Orbital Surgery, and Therapeutic Considerations. Each procedure in this must-have resource includes a review of the surgical anatomy, step-by-step instructions, plus the book is complete with more than one hundred color illustrations and dozens of surgical videos for further education.
Section I: Introduction.- Chapter 1. Applied Surgical Anatomy of the Ocular Adnexa.- Chapter 2. Applied Anesthesia.- Section II: Trauma.- Chapter 3. Basic Wound Repair: Surgical Techniques, Flaps, and Grafts.- Chapter 4. Eyelid Laceration and Lid Defects.- Chapter 5. Management of Canalicular Trauma.- Chapter 6. Orbital Floor and Medial Wall Fractures.- Section III: Lacrimal Surgery.- Chapter 7. Canaliculostomy.- Chapter 8. Pediatric Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction.- Chapter 9. Dacryocystorhinostomy.- Chapter 10. Endoscopic Lacrimal Surgery.- Section IV: Cosmetic.- Chapter 11. Brow Lift.- Chapter 12. Blepharoplasty.- Chapter 13. Cheek-Midface Lift.- Chapter 14. Asian Blepharoplasty: The Essential Steps.- Chapter 15. Periocular Rejuvenation with Dermal Fillers.- Chapter 16. Cosmetic Uses of Botulinum Toxin.- Section V: Congenital Ptosis.- Chapter 17. Anterior Approach to Correction of Levator Maldevelopment Ptosis with a New Emphasis on Supra-Maximal Levator Resection for Poor Function Ptosis.- Chapter 18. Frontalis Sling.- Section VI: Acquired Ptosis.- Chapter 19. Levator Aponeurosis Dehiscence – External Levator Advancement.- Chapter 20. Müller’s Muscle-Conjunctiva Resection.- Chapter 21. Tarsal-Conjunctival-Müller’s Muscle Resection (Fasanella-Servat Operation).- Section VII: Eyelid Malposition.- Chapter 22. Thyroid Eyelid Retraction.- Chapter 23. Involutional Lower Eyelid Entropion.- Chapter 24. Cicatricial Entropion.- Chapter 25. Eyelid Retraction.- Chapter 26. Involutional Ectropion Repair.- Chapter 27. Cicatricial Ectropion.- Chapter 28. Trichiasis and Distichiasis.- Chapter 29. Tarsorrhaphy and Eyelid Traction Sutures.- Chapter 30. Floppy Eyelid Syndrome Repair.- Section VIII: Facial Nerve Dysfunction.- Chapter 31. Facial Nerve Palsy.- Chapter 32. Hemifacial Spasm.- Chapter 33. Blepharospasm.- Section IX: Eyelid Flaps.- Chapter 34. Periocular Flaps.- Chapter 35. Primary Repair of a Lid Defect with or Without Cantholysis.- Chapter 36. Repair of Lid Defects Using a Semicircular Flap.- Chapter 37. Tarsal-Conjunctival Advancement Flap in Lower Eyelid Reconstruction.- Chapter 38. Tarsal-Conjunctival Graft or Flap and Skin-Muscle Transposition Flap in Lower Eyelid Reconstruction.- Chapter 39. Repair of Eyelid Defects with the Orbicularis Oculi Mobilization Technique: Naugle-Levine Procedure.- Chapter 40. Reconstruction of Medial Canthal Defects.- Chapter 41. Composite Advancement Flap (Cutler-Beard Procedure).- Chapter 42. Free Tarsoconjunctival Grafts and Composite Grafts.- Chapter 43. Advancing Tarsoconjunctival Flaps from the Same Lid.- Section X: Orbital Surgery.- Chapter 44. Enucleation.- Chapter 45. Evisceration.- Chapter 46. Exenteration.- Chapter 47. Caruncular Approach to the Medial Orbit.- Chapter 48. Anterior Orbitotomy.- Chapter 49. Lateral Orbitotomy.- Chapter 50. Orbital Decompression: Graded Surgical Approach.- Chapter 51. Orbital Decompression: Transnasal and Transethmoid Endoscopic Approaches.- Chapter 52. Socket Reconstruction.- Section XI: Miscellaneous.- Chapter 53. Temporal Artery Biopsy.- Section XII: Therapeutic Considerations.- Chapter 54. Medical and Surgical Options in Thyroid Eye Disease.- Chapter 55. The Role of Antibiotics in Oculoplastic Surgery.- Chapter 56. Lymphomas of the Ocular Adnexae.- Chapter 57. Dysfunctional Tear Film in Oculoplastic Surgery: Beware or Be Sorry.- Chapter 58. Trachoma: Medical and Surgical Management.
Despre autor
Mark R. Levine, MD, FACS
Emeritus Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Former Head of the Oculoplastic Section
Department of Ophthalmology
University Hospitals of Cleveland
Former Chief of Ophthalmology
The Mt. Sinai Medical Center
Staff Physician
Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio
Past President of the American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Wendell Hughes Lecturer
Emeritus Member of the Orbital Society
Richard C. Allen, MD, Ph D is professor in the Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Division of Surgery, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Dr. Allen is a member of ASOPRS, the American Eye Study Club, and the Orbital Society, is Section Editor of Oculoplastics and Orbit for Current Opinion in Ophthalmology, and is a member of committees in ASOPRS, the American Academy of Ophthalmology, and the International Council of Ophthalmology.