A straightforward guide to logic concepts
Logic concepts are more mainstream than you may realize. There’s logic every place you look and in almost everything you do, from deciding which shirt to buy to asking your boss for a raise, and even to watching television, where themes of such shows as CSI and Numbers incorporate a variety of logistical studies. Logic For Dummies explains a vast array of logical concepts and processes in easy-to-understand language that make everything clear to you, whether you’re a college student of a student of life. You’ll find out about:
* Formal Logic
* Syllogisms
* Constructing proofs and refutations
* Propositional and predicate logic
* Modal and fuzzy logic
* Symbolic logic
* Deductive and inductive reasoning
Logic For Dummies tracks an introductory logic course at the college level. Concrete, real-world examples help you understand each concept you encounter, while fully worked out proofs and fun logic problems encourage you students to apply what you’ve learned.
Part I: Overview of Logic.
Chapter 1: What Is This Thing Called Logic?
Chapter 2: Logical Developments from Aristotle to the
Chapter 3: Just for the Sake of Argument.
Part II: Formal Sentential Logic (SL).
Chapter 4: Formal Affairs.
Chapter 5: The Value of Evaluation.
Chapter 6: Turning the Tables: Evaluating Statements with Truth
Chapter 7: Taking the Easy Way Out: Creating Quick Tables.
Chapter 8: Truth Grows on Trees.
Part III: Proofs, Syntax, and Semantics in SL.
Chapter 9: What Have You Got to Prove?
Chapter 10: Equal Opportunities: Putting Equivalence Rules to
Chapter 11: Big Assumptions with Conditional and Indirect
Chapter 12: Putting It All Together: Strategic Moves to Polish
Off Any Proof.
Chapter 13: One for All and All for One.
Chapter 14: Syntactical Maneuvers and Semantic
Part IV: Quantifier Logic (QL).
Chapter 15: Expressing Quantity with Quality: Introducing
Quantifier Logic.
Chapter 16: QL Translations.
Chapter 17: Proving Arguments with QL.
Chapter 18: Good Relations and Positive Identities.
Chapter 19: Planting a Quantity of Trees.
Part V: Modern Developments in Logic.
Chapter 20: Computer Logic.
Chapter 21: Sporting Propositions: Non-Classical Logic.
Chapter 22: Paradox and Axiomatic Systems.
Part VI: The Part of Tens.
Chapter 23: Ten Quotes about Logic.
Chapter 24: Ten Big Names in Logic.
Chapter 25: Ten Tips for Passing a Logic Exam.
Despre autor
Mark Zegarelli is a professional writer with degrees in both English and Math from Rutgers University. He has earned his living for many years writing vast quantities of logic puzzles, a hefty chunk of software documentation, and the occasional book or film review. Along the way, he’s also paid a few bills doing housecleaning, decorative painting, and (for ten hours) retail sales. He likes writing best, though.