The nouveau riche. The petit bourgeouisie. The well-to. The affluent. The conspicuous consumers. The people whom we might call the Glamour Globals. History, literature, and sociology unfortunately repeat the all-too-often objectionable tale of people who suddenly come into money, and seem to have no better purpose for that money than to flaunt it, requiring ever more money so that they may be show-offs and of course they long to acquire ever moremore money, more goodsand seemingly with no higher purpose than to display that they have these things. Money, for such people, is power and status, not to do something positive with, but to have, end of story.
The tale of conspicuous consumptionwhich refers to using buying decisions as a form of displaying ones social statusand of its close cousin invidious consumptionwhich is displaying ones wealth through material possessions with the specific intention of invoking envy in othersis inevitably replaying itself again around the globe, as the globalized economy takes root in new regions and among people of all kinds.
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Author; Said Aghil Baaghil brings over 20 years of marketing experience to clients worldwide. Raised in the North Africa, Europe and the US, Said attended the University of Maine. After working in corporate America for 10 years, Said saw a great need for brand marketing expertise in the Middle East and Asia and launched his consultancy there in 2000. Since, he has helped dozens of brands in the region and elsewhere with his strategic and passionate approach to brand marketing. Said is the author of three marketing tomes, the latest of which is Brand Revolution, launched in 2012.
Co Author Marriam Najeeb Mossalli’s career as a fashion editor and luxury consultant has made her an established name in the international fashion industry. Marriam possesses a unique background due to her Saudi-American heritage and international education in Lugano, Switzerland and Washington, D.C.
Co Author Rola Ashour, Practicing Partner and Cofounder of the Jeddah Adult and Child Therapy Centre (ACT), is a licensed mental health practitioner and counsellor. She holds Bachelor degrees in Psychology and Combined Social Sciences from the UK, and a Masters Degree in Education with concentration Autism from Birmingham University in the United Kingdom. Rola has been a counsellor at Dar El Hekma College, a women’s college in Jeddah, since 2007, where she has helped establish the Counselling Centre, developing its policies and procedures and providing counselling services to the student body and their families. Rola resides in Jeddah; she is married and is the proud mother of three little girls.
Co Author Yasmine Khashogji holds Associate degrees in Business administration and Marketing, and Bachelor degrees in Organizational Leadership and Human Resources Management. She has affiliated with Institut Villa Pierrefeu for Etiquette and international protocol program in Montreux, and Istituto Marrangoni for image consultancy program in Paris. Yasmine is an entrepreneur, working as a start-up consultant and has a passion for photography and baking.