Influenced by the Holy Spirit and immersed in Gods living Word,
the DISCIPLE is empowered to operate in the same authority as
Jesus to fulfill the Great Commission. In this book, the principles of
Kingdom Authority will be explained so the DISCIPLE will:
understand that the battlefield is in the spirit realm
unlock revelation knowledge in Scripture by examining key words
in the original Greek
be equipped to discern manipulating spirits
face and repent of any sin that may inhibit authority over demonic
be rooted with foundational Scriptures so as not to be swayed by
different doctrines
Despre autor
Martha Brown is an anointed writer and teacher of God’s Word.
Inspired by the Holy Spirit, her unique style of teaching and sharing
God’s Word has provoked Believers to think beyond the physical
realm and look into the spiritual realm for answers relating to healing,
deliverance, and understanding God’s Word. Whether ministering
one-on-one or to a group, she challenges those who follow Christ
to move from a mere Believer to a Disciple, inspiring them to teach
and preach God’s Word within their sphere of influence. Her life’s
mission focuses on healing and health for the body, soul, and spirit.