Autor: Mary C. Beaudry

Mary C. Beaudry is Professor of Archaeology, Anthropology, and Gastronomy and Chair of the Department of Archaeology at Boston University. She is author of Findings: The Material Culture of Needlework and Sewing (Yale, 2006), co-author of “Living on the Boott”: Historical Archaeology of the Boott Mills Boardinghouses in Lowell, Massachusetts (University of Massachusetts, 1996), editor of Documentary Archaeology in the New World (Cambridge, 1988), co-editor with Dan Hicks of The Cambridge Companion to Historical Archaeology (Cambridge, 2006) and of The Oxford Handbook of Material Culture Studies (Oxford, 2010), co-editor with Anne Yentsch of The Art and Mystery of Historical Archaeology (CRC, 1992), and co-editor with James Symonds of Interpreting the Early Modern World: Transatlantic Perspectives (Springer, 2010). She has published numerous journal articles and book chapters and served for 15 years as editor of the journal Northeast Historical Archaeology. Travis G. Parno is a Ph D candidate in Boston University”s Department of Archaeology. He served on the CHAT conference committee and assisted in the planning and implementation of the conference. His dissertation looks to extend the temporal focus of household archaeology and explores intersections of place-making and heritage at the Fairbanks House in Dedham, MA. His previous publications include studies of archaeological photography (in Archaeologies: Journal of the World Archaeological Congress), three-dimensional digital modeling (in Society of Post-Medieval Archaeology), Catholic material culture at James Fort, VA (in Historical Archaeologies of Cognition), and contemporary graffiti in Bristol, UK (in Wild Signs: Inscribing Society).

10 Ebooks de Mary C. Beaudry

Mary C. Beaudry & James Symonds: Interpreting the Early Modern World
Interpretive archaeology – meaning the interpretation (social science as opposed to hard science) of archaeology and archaeological artifacts – has predominantly been the realm of prehistoric archaeo …
Mary C. Beaudry & Karen Bescherer Metheny: Archaeology of Food
What are the origins of agriculture? In what ways have technological advances related to food affected human development? How have food and foodways been used to create identity, communicate meaning, …
Lorinda B.R. Goodwin: Archaeology of Manners
A glance at the title of this book might well beg the question "What in heaven’s name does archaeology have to do with manners? We cannot dig up manners or mannerly behavior-or can we?" One …
Mary C. Beaudry & Kevin R. Fogle: Beyond the Walls
While household archaeologists view the home as a social unit, few move their investigations "beyond the walls" when contextualizing a household in its community. Even exterior aspects of a …
Mary C Beaudry & Travis G. Parno: Archaeologies of Mobility and Movement
​ This collection of essays in Archaeologies of Mobility and Movement draws inspiration from current archaeological interest in the movement of individuals, things, and ideas in the recent past. Move …
Mary C. Beaudry & Kevin R. Fogle: Beyond the Walls
‘;Thought-provoking and engaging, Beyond the Walls provides new and relevant theoretical perspectives and specific case studies for archaeologists conducting research related to household archaeology …
Mary C. Beaudry & Kevin R. Fogle: Historical Archaeology of Shadow and Intimate Economies
Emphasizing the important social relationships that form among people who participate in small-scale economic transactions, contributors to this volume explore often-overlooked networks of intimate a …
Kerri S. Barile & Jamie C. Brandon: Household Chores and Household Choices
Discusses the concepts of home, house, and household in past societies Because archaeology seeks to understand past societies, the concepts of "home, " "house, " and "househo …