Loren Tarantino has a unique history of employment and training in education. Loren is currently the principal of a private high school in San Diego, California. Prior to this assignment she spent twenty-nine years in public schools working as a secondary school classroom teacher, middle school administrator, and district office administrator in student support services, curriculum and instruction, and human resources. In addition, Loren was a consultant with the California Attorney General’s School/Law Enforcement Partnership Cadre, the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education. Since 1986, she has presented local, state and national conference keynote speeches and workshops for school board, teacher, and school administrator associations and universities on a variety of topics including beginning teacher induction, conflict resolution, communication strategies, and conducting classroom observations.
1 Ebooks de Mary E. E. Loughridge
Mary E. Loughridge & Loren R. Tarantino: Leading Effective Secondary School Reform
‘The strength of the book lies in its format and in its use of sophisticated sources and allusions to those sources . . . I am impressed with the clarity of focus within each chapter.’ Frank Kawtoski …