Volta Redonda is a Brazilian steel town founded in the 1940s by dictator Getúlio Vargas on an ex-coffee valley as a powerful symbol of Brazilian modernization. The city’s economy, and consequently its citizen’s lives, revolves around the Companha Siderurgica Nacional (CSN), the biggest industrial complex in Latin America. Although the glory days of the CSN have long passed, the company still controls life in Volta Redonda today, creating as much dispossession as wealth for the community. Brazilian Steel Town tells the story of the people tied to this ailing giant – of their fears, hopes, and everyday struggles.
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
Introduction: Brazilian Steel-Town and the Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN)
Chapter 1. Capital Enclosures, Labour Abstraction and the Struggle over Value Forms
Chapter 2. Cyclops at Work: Capital as Technology
Chapter 3. Old and New Land Questions: Capital as Land
Chapter 4. Of Ants and Steelworkers: Capital as Labor
Chapter 5. The Invention of People’s Money: Capital as Money
Chapter 6. Labor as Commons
Conclusion: Towards an Anthropology of Uneven and Combined Development
Despre autor
Massimiliano Mollona is Senior Lecturer at Goldsmiths College, London, where he teaches Economic and Political Anthropology and Art and Anthropology. Among his publications are Made in Sheffield, an Ethnography of Industrial Work and Politics (2009, Berghahn) and with Don Kalb, Worldwide Mobilizations : Class Struggles and Urban Commoning (2018, Berghahn).