Philosophical interpretation of Proust based on the work of Merleau-Ponty and Deleuze.
French novelist Marcel Proust made famous ‘involuntary memory, ‘ a peculiar kind of memory that works whether one is willing or not and that gives a transformed recollection of past experience. More than a century later, the Proustian notion of involuntary memory has not been fully explored nor its implications understood. By providing clarifying examples taken from Proust’s novel and by co...
Introduction – ‘Seek? More Than That: Create’
1. Nature: Variations on the Theme
2. The Mythical Time of the Ideas
3. Deformation and Recognition
Despre autor
Mauro Carbone is Professor of Aesthetics at the University of Lyon III, France. He is the author of several books, including The Thinking of the Sensible: Merleau-Ponty...