The impact of childhood trauma and abuse can forever alter the course of history. Throughout generations, countless children have been hurt by those that are meant to care for them. Yet, in society once those children turn to adults the impacts of child abuse are often discounted and spoken to with the frame of ‘that was years ago” or “it’s time to get over it.” The reality is that we are at the core a collection of all of our experiences leading up to this very moment. If the childhood trauma survivor’s foundation is built atop a volcano, then sooner or later it will be engulfed. Childhood trauma and abuse is the elephant in the room of societies mental health epidemic, and most people don’t know how to understand the role that trauma has played in their life.When I sat down to craft the baseline of The Think Unbroken book, I did so intending to create something that would be a testimony to the undeniable will of the human mindset. For generations, the world has been plagued by the ramifications of the effects of Child Trauma, and like millions of childhood trauma survivors, I was stuck in The Vortex. My life in a word was a disaster. I was an addict of undeniable proportions, I was morbidly obese and suffocating under the weight of my past. Think Unbroken is not only a guide to helping other Trauma Survivors find their way out of The Vortex, but it is also the cornerstone to how I changed my life. I am, in essence, a product of my product, and I believe that Think Unbroken is the key to taking the first steps in overcoming the effects of childhood trauma.This book will expose you to possibility through mindset, palatable understandings of self, and a step by step guide to discovering out how to place the first piece of the puzzle on the table. What you will find in Think Unbroken is not just my story, but a reflection of the possibilities that can become a reality when you understand that Mindset is Everything. Childhood trauma took everything from me, but I took everything back, and so can you.“THOUGH TRAUMA MAY BE OUR FOUNDATION IT IS NOT OUR FUTURE.”
Title Page
Disclaimer Part I: Houses Built Atop Volcanoes Preface Introduction Part II: Foundations Chapter 1: The Truth Chapter 2: The Vortex Chapter 3: Interrupting the Interruption Chapter 4: The Interruption Process Chapter 5: Ownership Chapter 6: The Reconciliation of the Man in the Mirror Chapter 7: Understanding the Past Chapter 8: This Is Your Brain on Trauma Chapter 9: Dissociation Chapter 10: Fight, Flight, Freeze Chapter 11: Panic Chapter 12: Flashbacks and Triggers Chapter 13: Resilience Chapter 14: The First Step Part III: Create. You. Chapter 15: A New Baseline Chapter 16: Courage Chapter 17: Self-care Isn’t Selfish Chapter 18: Hard Work Chapter 19: Time and Patience Part IV: Re-creation Chapter 20: The Six Principles of Healing trauma Chapter 21: Freedom Chapter 22: Move Forward Chapter 23: In This Together Chapter 24: Permission Chapter 25: No excuses. Just results. Chapter 26: Fear and Excitement
Part V: Becoming Chapter 27: Mindset + Action=self-actualization Chapter 28: The Healing Process Chapter 29: Daily Rituals Chapter 30: Adaptation Chapter 31: Assimilation and the shadow-self Chapter 32: What’s Next Chapter 33: When Shit Gets Hard Chapter 34: Keep Your Promises Chapter 35: One More Thing Resources