Do you ever wish someone could explain the Old and New Covenants in five easy steps? Behind every one of Gods covenants with man is a five-fold legal treaty. God introduces Himself and defines the relationship, the methods, the possible outcomes, and the future. But Gods covenants arent just legal treaties; theyre personal. Covenant is Gods method of maturing man. Every covenant is a grand quest for the bittersweet wine of Gods kingdom, but that cup is only for faithful servants, men who are willing to be broken first, like bread. This simple five-fold pattern finds its origin deep in the heart of the Trinity. It not only shapes the speeches of God, but its also the structure behind every story in the Bible. The Covenant Key unlocks every door.
Despre autor
Mike Bull is a graphic designer who lives and works in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney, Australia. His passion is understanding and teaching the Bible.