The Angel responded….
To truly discover the fullness of love, you must go deeper within and look to experience the selfless qualities of love. Look to remove your need for its return, and it will come back to you in abundance. To experience the greater joys of the Fathers love, you must freely bestow it upon your fellows. Freely you have received, freely shall you give. Love is abundantly replaced in the heart which gives it forth freely.
Much of your journey to peace and joy and to God starts with learning to love yourself. You must first forgive yourself and know that those above you have already done so. You are loved with an eternal and supreme affection by those above you. Every child is infinitely and compassionately cared for from above, so much so, that if you truly knew of its fullness, you would be prone to lose all motor functioning and collapse in tears of joy.
The Father hears the cry of all His children, and He resplendently responds to the faintest flicker of faith in the deepest depths of a lost and lonely childs soul. Upon the sincere cry of a confused child compassionately comes the Creator of all creation to meet you right where you are. Open your heart and soul to Him and let in His glorious ways.
The Father you have many names for, but His Son, who walked this world as Jesus of Nazareth, has more unseen loyal faithfuls than the human mind has the capacity to comprehend, serving Him in ways a finite and mortal mind can yet begin to grasp.
Other than the manifold gravitational sources of Spirit synchrony, alongside a vast and widespread congregation of faithful guides and Spirit personalities, you have all of usyour Seraphic Guardians.
What are Seraphic Guardians?
What you call angels.
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Author biography
I, the author, Michael D. Barrett, wish to express appreciation rather than speak of myself. This book isn’t about me and has nothing to do with me. I prefer to take this space to express my gratitude. First, I would like to thank the Good Lord and forever will, each and every day, for the path He has lead me on both before this experience and after. My heartfelt appreciation then goes to my son, who not only saved my life from a long, dark road through ten years of limited to moderate success as a bit actor in Hollywood, but is and always has been the most loving, wonderful child I could ever ask for.
I was the founder and president of two companies (Kid Positive Inc.—a retail developmental toy store for children zero to eight years of age and Forty Shades of Green LLC.—a small real estate investment firm), but I can firmly state the most cherished accomplishment in my life is the raising of my now fourteen-year-old son as a single parent since he was an infant. Every moment of every day raising him into the fine young man he is has truly been a joy and I love him so very much.
I would also like to thank from the bottom of my heart my own mother and father who were, in my humble opinion, the very best role models a child could ask for. (Sorry it took me so long to figure that out!) I am as well forever indebted to those loving and dear friends who played such a vital role in the manifestation of this book. I thank Christine Gallo for her invaluable help. I also thank the angel in my dream very, very much.