Michael D. ‘Moon’ Mullins with his usual flair has found a perfect way to bring life to the stories of America’s Warriors. His lyrical way with words has opened a window into the past that is closing much too quickly. Out of the Mist, Memories of War touches the soul and brings the reader to a deep understanding of the sacrifices made by those ready to stand in the breach.
~ D. H. Brown, Award-winning author of Honor Defended, Board member of Military Writers Society of America, Vietnam Veteran
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Michael D. Mullins tells the stories of those who stood guard over our nation. They are our neighbors, the people we eat next to at the local diner, see at the doctor’s o?ce…We may never know what they have done for us. They served in war and in peace time. There are stories of those who remained behind, lonely and worried. The tales range from World War II through the War on Terror. They are history. He attempts to educate about the struggle to get help with the e?ects of war and explain the residual anger some vets feel.
The winner of multiple awards for both audio and print media publications, I also write a monthly column for a national writers e-magazine. My experience writing poetry has evolved into my first historical anthology, Out of the Mist, Memories of War, a collection of short stories, which I am now proud to present.
I am a Vietnam Veteran and recipient of a Purple Heart who has had the life changing blessing of meeting and learning the deep, meaningful experiences of veterans of all wars, from WWII through our current War on Terror. Not only do I feel honored to tell their stories, but I learn from them and begin to understand myself better.
I split my time between homes in Indiana and a wonderful, peaceful home on a beautiful lake in East Tennessee. I have a wife who has stood at my side through many ups and downs in life. Now we have 4 lovely grandchildren with another coming. Retirement is the busiest time ever as I pursue my dream of writing about the warriors who stood in defense of America.