August Kleinzahler was born in Jersey City in 1949. He is the author of many books of poems and a prose memoir, Cutty, One Rock. The Strange Hours Travelers Keep won the International Griffin Poetry Prize (2004), Sleeping it Off in Rapid City the National Book Critics Circle Award. He lives in San Francisco.
2 Ebooks de Michael Nott
Thom Gunn: Letters of Thom Gunn
'I write about love, I write about friendship, ' remarked Thom Gunn: 'I find that they are absolutely intertwined.' These core values permeate his correspondence with friends, fam …
Michael Nott: Thom Gunn: A Cool Queer Life
'With this meticulously researched biography, we don't so much move closer as move in with Gunn and shadow him through his life . . . Gunn's life is chronicled beautifully here.' …