The King of the Elephants making the jungle great again. Is about events leading up to, during and after the 2016 general election and events leading up to the 2020 general election.
Using animals as the main characters. Bears representing Russia, Koala bears representing North Korea, sheep representing Israel, Elephants representing Republicans and donkeys representing democrats.
The story is set on a golden gated ranch on the far Western side of the jungle. Way beyond the desert overlooking the Pacific ocean.
The main character is an overly ambitious know it all, extroverted little pony by the name of Kanye.
Kanye and the rest of the animals in the jungle have been having some very heated and down right ugly arguments lately
Why? What should have been an easy obvious and clear thing for even the dumbest of animals to see. Have now become a major divisive issue involving all, every animal, not only here in the Golden State but throughout the entire length and breadth of the jungle.
These animals trust Kanye with just about every aspect of their lives. Still there is one major thing Kayne was not able to convince these animals. That Elephants makes better leaders than donkeys.
Animals in This part of the jungle. Always voted for and supported the donkeys. No matter which jackass is elected to run.
Despre autor
Micheal Truman Is a nature lover. Who spends a great amount of his time by the lonely rivers in heart of Montana mountainous regions. Writing, reading, fishing and enjoying the beauty of nature.He Is also the author of several other soon to be published books. Such as Lonely Rivers Happy Beaches, American Chicks, Definition of Beauty, The Shape of Every Stone, and others.