Dr Slavomír Michálek is Director of the Institute of History at the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava. He is author or editor of, among other books, San Francisco 1945 (VEDA 2015), Gustáv Husák (VEDA 2013), 20 rokov samostatnej Slovenskej republiky (20 Years of Independent Slovakia, VEDA 2013), Za hranicou sloboda (Behind the Border, there Is Freedom, VEDA 2013) and Dubček (VEDA 2018).
Dr Michal Štefanský worked at the Institute of Military History in Bratislava as well as Institutes of Political Science and History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. In 1989, he was a member of the government commission for the historical analysis of the years 1967–1970. He is author of, among other books, Studená vojna a Slovensko 1946–1954/1955–1962 (The Cold War and Slovakia, VEDA 2008/2012) and Krízy režimov sovietskeho bloku (The Crises of the Soviet Bloc Regimes, VEDA 2007).
2 Ebooks de Michal Stefansky
Slavomir Michalek & Michal Stefansky: The Age of Fear
Czechoslovakia played an important role within the Soviet bloc, yet its history remains under-researched. This monograph blends historical analysis of the superpowers’ foreign policies with an assess …
Jakub Drábik: Operation Danube Reconsidered
At 11 o´clock in the evening of 20th August 1968, the armies of four Warsaw Pact countries, the Soviet Union, Poland, Bulgaria, and Hungary, crossed the borders of Czechoslovakia, starting the “Opera …