Three decades after his death, Michel Foucault remains one of the towering intellectual figures of the last half-century. His works on sexuality, madness, the prison, and medicine are enduring classics. From 1971 until his death in 1984, Foucault gave public lectures at the famous Coll�ge de France. These seminal events, attended by thousands, created the benchmarks for contemporary social enquiry. The lectures comprising Abnormal begin by examining the role of psychiatry in modern criminal justice, and its method of categorising individuals who ‘resemble their crime before they commit it.’ Building on the themes of societal self-defence developed in earlier works, Foucault shows how defining ‘normality’ became a prerogative of power in the nineteenth century, shaping the institutions-from the prisons to the family-meant to deal with ‘monstrosity, ‘ whether sexual, physical, or spiritual. The Coll�ge de France lectures add immeasurably to our appreciation and understanding of Foucault’s thought.
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The works of Michel Foucault include Madness and Civilization, The History of Sexuality, and Discipline and Punish. Series editor Arnold I. Davidson teaches at the University of Chicago and is executive editor of the journal Critical Inquiry.