The Trans-Canada Highway is the only federal highway in Canada that, with a few junctions, forms a link system through ten provinces of the country. Covering more than seven thousand kilometers, the TCH is the only continuous transcontinental road of Canada and the third long-est road of the world. The Trans-Siberian Road in Russia and Highway 1 in Australia are longer.
The Yellowhead Highway forms the northern branch of the TCH in the western provinces. Although the Trans-Canada Highway was opened in 1962, it was completed in 1970 and is mostly four-lane and crossing-free.
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Monika von Borthwick belongs to the older generation and lives in culturally rich Upper Bavaria. In addition to her other professional activities she coached bus travellers as tour guides in Europe. Even then, she wrote down in detail her experiences with other countries and their people.
After the death of her husband, she decided to travel alone and explored numerous areas in Europe and North America with her newly acquired camper and her two dogs. Along the way she discovered the love of storytelling and sent detailed reports home by email.