Physiological aspects.- Effects of salinity on rhizosphere bacterial communities associated with different root types of Vicia faba L..- Tolerance of some potential forage grasses from arid regions of Pakistan to salinity and drought.- Salt and seawater effects on the germination of Crithmum maritimum.- Growth performance and nutritional value of salt tolerant plants growing under saline environments.- Comparative effect of Na Cl and seawater on seed germination of Suaeda salsa and Atriplex centralasiatica.- Salt effect on growth, photosynthesis, seed yield and oil composition of the potential crop halophyte Cakile maritima.- Effect of nitrogen deficiency, salinity and drought on proline metabolism in Sesuvium portulacastrum.- Linkage studies of structure, isoenzymatic diversity and some biotechnological procedures for Salsola species under desert saline environments.- Kinetics of the antioxidant response to salinity in Crithmum maritimum.- Ecological aspects.- An overview of the coastal zone plant diversity and management strategies in the mediterranean region of Turkey.- Saline and alkaline vegetation of NE Africa and the Arabian peninsula: An overview.- Vegetation zones in the salty marshes of Central Anatolia and natural borders of agricultural usage (Turkey).- Agricultural aspects.- Halophytes as cash crops for animal feeds in arid and semi-arid regions.- Potential of dry drainage as a sustainable solution to waterlogging and salinisation.- Vegetative bioremediation of sodic and saline-sodic soils for productivity enhancement and environment conservation.- Bio-reclamation of secondary salinized soils using halophytes.- Effects of irrigation water salinity on yield and evapotranspiration of drip irrigated cucumber in a semiarid environment.- Potential utilisation ofhalophytes for the rehabilitation and valorisation of salt-affected areas in Tunisia.- Interactive effect of potash and organic manures on growth and nutrient uptake of sugarcane grown under saline conditions.- The effects of saline irrigation water by drip irrigation on salt distribution in soil.