Applied demography continues its rapid pace of evolution in concert with the emerging trends of the 21st century. One significant area of change is the extension of applied demography beyond the United States; this book includes material dealing with applied demography in Australia, Canada, Estonia, and Mexico.
Opportunities and Challenges for Applied Demography in the 21st Century presents a score of selected papers from the second post-2000 national conference on Applied Demography, held in San Antonio, Texas, in January, 2010, under the sponsorship of the Institute for Demographic and Socioeconomic Research at The University of Texas at San Antonio.
Coverage includes the assembly of data by government agencies, with a focus on issues facing the United States; demographic issues associated with globalization; business demography and health demography, as well as a section examining methodological advances in the areas of estimation and projection.
INTRODUCTION: Chapter 1: Introduction: Nazrul Hoque and David A. Swanson.- SECTION I: THE COLLECTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF DEMOGRAPHIC DATA: Chapter 2: Some Challenges Facing Federal Statistics in the United States: Edward J. Spar .- Chapter 3: Overview of the 2010 Census Alternative Questionnaire Experiment: Race and Hispanic Origin Research : Sonya Rastogi and Nicholas A. Jones .- Chapter 4: Quality of Age Data at the PUMA Level in the Three-Year Estimates from the American Community Survey : Arun Peter Lobo and Joseph J. Salvo .- Chapter 5: A Sociology of Official Unauthorized Statistics: Estimation or Guesstimation? : Karen A. Woodrow-Lafield .- SECTION II: DEMOGRAPHIC ISSUES IN A GLOBALIZED WORLD: Chapter 6: English Language Learners: An Exercise in Applied Demography : Richard R. Verdugo .- Chapter 7: Elderly Asian Immigrants and Challenges of Living in the United States of America : Kittiwan Junrith, Erika Symonette, Hsiang Hsing Kung, and Somporn Khunwishit.- Chapter 8: Characteristics of Afro-Descendents in Mexico: A Survey of the Costa Chica Area of Oaxaca and Guerrero State: Komanduri Murty and Jehad Yasin.- Chapter 9: NAFTA, Industrial Concentration, Employment Volatility, Wages, and Internal and International Mexican Migration – 1990 – 2009 : Miguel Flores, Mary Zey, Cinthya Caamal, and Nazrul Hoque.- SECTION III: BUSINESS DEMOGRAPHY: Chapter 10: Alcohol Buying Behaviour of Australian Households : Farhat Yusuf and Julian de Meyrick.- Chapter 11: Demographic Cohorts and Marketing Research : Alison Yacyshyn.- Chapter 12: Effects of Corporate Form and Financials on Executive Backdating of Stock Options at the Turn of the Century: An Analysis of Pair-Matched Corporations : Don R. Warren, Mary Zey, and John Garza .- SECTION IV: HEALTHDEMOGRAPHY: Chapter 13: The Health Transition in Estonia: Breaking Away from the Soviet Legacy : Luule Sakkeus and Kati Karelson .- Chapter 14: The Rural-Urban Gradient and Life Expectancy in the United States, 1970-1990 : Nazrul Hoque, David A. Swanson, and Jeffrey A. Jordan.- Chapter 15: Demographic Changes in the United States of America: Challenges for Disaster Management : Somporn Khunwishit and Sudha Arlikatti.- Chapter 16: Mental Health and Suicide: An Ecological Hierarchical Analysis of U.S. Counties and States : Augustine J. Kposowa and Aikaterini Glyniadaki .- SECTION V: METHODOLOGICAL ADVANCES: Chapter 17: The Grouped Answer Method for Estimating Immigration Status: Analysis of Data from the 2004 General Social Survey: Eric M. Larson and Judith A. Droitcour .- Chapter 18: Estimating Life Expectancy at Birth for Mexican Municipalities: An Application of a Regression-Based Technique : Miguel Flores, Benjamin Bradshaw, and Nazrul Hoque.- Chapter 19: DOMICILE 1.0: An Agent-Based Simulation Model for Population Estimates at the Domicile Level .- Cameron S. Griffith, Bryon L. Long, David A. Swanson, and Michael Knight..- Chapter 20: An Overview of Demosim: Statistics Canada’s Microsimulation Model for Population Projections : Ėric Caron Malenfant, Laurent Martel and André Lebel .- Chapter 21: Expert and Local Knowledge: Poverty Researchers Meet Community Leaders : Joachim Singelmann, Dudley L. Poston, Jr., and Rogelio Saenz.